
News release

January 20, 2004


Government of Canada funds Salvation Army project

BELLEVILLE, ONTARIO—The Salvation Army of Belleville today officially launched the “Warm Room”, a facility that gives homeless individuals a safe, after-hours location to visit regularly. Lyle Vanclief, Member of Parliament for Prince Edward—Hastings today announced funding of $57,691 through the Government of Canada’s National Homelessness Initiative (NHI), on behalf of the Honourable Claudette Bradshaw, Minister of Labour and Minister responsible for Homelessness.

“The Salvation Army does good work to help the less fortunate in communities across Canada, and Belleville is no exception,” stated Vanclief. “The Government of Canada is proud to partner with this organization and help provide funding so vulnerable Canadians can receive the support they need.”

The Salvation Army has been in Belleville since 1883, and their downtown location will host the Warm Room, operating from 6:00 pm until midnight, 7 days a week. The Government of Canada’s contribution will enable the Salvation Army to purchase furniture and kitchen equipment for the Warm Room, and to provide short-term emergency housing as well as offering individual support and a follow-up referral service.

“The Salvation Army is indeed grateful to the federal government for providing the necessary funding for the Warm Room,” said Major Judith Jewer of the Salvation Army. “I believe homelessness is a common concern in all communities… Since the Salvation Army opened the Warm Room on December 1, 2003, our statistics seem to indicate that the majority of people using the Warm Room are dropping in for a hot beverage, something warm to eat, or something warm to wear.”

Since the Government of Canada launched the NHI in December 1999 to support communities’ efforts to help homeless Canadians, more than $430,000 has been invested in seven projects in Belleville. Building on the successes achieved, the February 2003 Budget announced $405 million for three years to continue the federal government’s commitment to addressing homelessness in Canada.

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For more information on the Government of Canada’s NHI, visit our Web site at

For more information, contact:

Deborah Wallace
Government of Canada
(416) 954-7302

Kim Oliver
Minister Bradshaw’s office
(819) 953-5646

Major Judith Jewer
The Salvation Army
(613) 968-3834