Government InfoPEI Business Employment Visiting the Island



Important Terms

Prince Edward Island Nominee
A person who has been nominated in accordance with Prince Edward Island's selection criteria to become a permanent resident of Prince Edward Island, Canada under the Provincial Nomination category.

Term used to select individuals under the Prince Edward Island Nominee Program.

Individual selected under the Prince Edward Island Nominee Program.

Permanent Resident
A person who is legally in Canada as an immigrant, but who is not yet a Canadian citizen. Please refer to federal legislation and regulations at

Principal Applicant
Individual (you, your spouse or common-law partner) who earns the most points on the Self-Assessment Questionnaire (PEI-NP-01). The spouse or common-law partner should apply as a dependent.

You are a spouse if you are married to your sponsor and your marriage is legally valid.

  • If you were married in Canada: You must have a Certificate of Marriage issued by the province or territory where the marriage took place.
  • If you were married outside Canada:
  • the marriage must be valid under the law of the country where it took place and under Canadian law.
  • A marriage performed in an embassy or consulate must comply with the law of the country where it took place, not the country of nationality of the embassy or consulate.
Please refer to

Common-Law Partner
A person with whom you have lived for at least one year in a relationship similar to marriage. A common-law partner may be of the same or the opposite sex. Please refer to

Dependent Children
Daughters and sons, including children adopted before the age of 18, who:

  1. are under the age of 22 and not a spouse or common-law partner of another person;
  2. have been continuously enrolled as full-time students and financially supported by their parents since turning 22 (or from the date of becoming a spouse or common-law partner if this happened before the age of 22); or
  3. have substantially depended on the financial support of their parents since turning 22 and are unable to support themselves due to a medical condition. Please refer to
Close Relative
The brother, sister, mother, father, grandparent, aunt, uncle, niece or nephew or first cousin of the principal applicant or the applicant's spouse/common-law partner.

Intended Occupation
The occupation in which a nominee plans to work in Prince Edward Island. The intended occupation should be consistent with the applicant's training and experience.

Guaranteed Employment
A bona fide, written offer of employment from an employer in Prince Edward Island. The offer must meet the evaluation process set out by the Immigration and Investment Division.

Investment Intermediary
An individual or company in the business of matching prospective immigrant partners with PEI companies which wish to receive equity investment under the PEI Nominee Program.

Investee or Investee Company
A PEI company which issues preferred shares to a prospective nominee under the PEI Nominee Program.

Liquid Assets
Liquid assets means cash, demand deposits with a financial institution, term deposits, tax shelters convertible to cash, and readily marketable investments including publicly traded stocks or bonds.

Net Worth
The value of all personal and business assets expressed at realizable market value, less any related debt obligations or encumbrances which prevent the asset from being sold or conveyed to an unrelated third party.

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