Talent Agencies in British Columbia

The British Columbia Employment Standards Act and Regulation set out minimum working conditions for all workers covered under provincial labour laws. Along with these general provisions, there are a number of industries where special rules apply. These Web pages cover the special rules that apply to talent agencies in British Columbia.

"Talent agency" means a person or company who, for a fee, engages in the occupation of offering to procure, promising to procure, attempting to procure or procuring employment for actors, performers, extras or technical creative film persons.

"Technical creative film person" includes film directors, directors of photography, production designers, art directors, persons involved in writing or rewriting scripts, hair stylists, make-up artists, costume designers, or animal coordinators involved in the production of a film, video, television show or television commercial.

Regulations have been developed that will benefit both performers and agents. These include:

  • Talent agents in B.C. must be licensed by the Director of Employment.
  • Talent agencies may not charge more than 15 percent commission on wages.
  • Photo fees (up to $25 annually) may only be deducted from actual earnings.
  • No other fees may be charged by a talent agency.

For more information, please contact the Talent Agencies office of the Employment Standards Branch:

Deer Lake Centre,
210 - 4946 Canada Way
Burnaby BC V5G 4J6
Fax: 604 660-7047

Employment Standards Information Line:1 800 663-3316

In addition to special rules for talent agencies, B.C. also has rules for children in film.