Government of Saskatchewan Western Red Lilies
Executive Council - Media Services
Legislative Building - Regina, Canada S4S 0B3 - (306) 787-6281

News Release

February 10, 2006

Labour - 061


Saskatchewan's Minimum Wage Board has announced it will conduct a review of
provincial regulations dealing with the minimum age for employment and the
requirement that transportation home be provided for certain employees. The
Board will also consider issues related to the employment sectors to which the
regulations will apply.

The Board will receive written submissions from February 15th to May 1st.

In Saskatchewan, the minimum age for employment in hotels, restaurants,
educational institutions, hospitals and nursing homes is 16 years of age. As
well, employers must provide employees in those workplaces who finish work
between the hours of 12:30 a.m. and 7:00 a.m. local time with transportation
home. The Minimum Wage Board will receive written submissions from employers
and workers about whether these regulations should be changed.

In announcing the review, the Board today released a discussion paper that it
hopes will serve to encourage public discussion of the issues involved. "As
these regulations have not been reviewed in more than 20 years, we believe a
review is appropriate at this time," Saskatchewan Minimum Wage Board chair
John Yeo said. "We are particularly interested to hear from young workers
because young people hold the key to future prosperity in Saskatchewan and a
great many of them are directly affected by these regulations."

The Board expects input on issues such as whether there needs to be any
minimum age for employment, whether employers should have to provide
transportation home for late-night employees and whether the types of
workplaces to which these regulations apply (hotels, restaurants, educational
institutions, hospitals and nursing homes) should be increased, reduced, or
left the same.

Submissions to the Minimum Wage Board can be e-mailed to: or mailed to:

The Saskatchewan Minimum Wage Board #400 - 1870 Albert Street Regina, SK S4P


For More Information, Contact:
Dallas McQuarrie
Phone: (306) 787-1545
