Current Minimum Wage Levels Across Canada*


  Jurisdiction Hourly Rate Effective Date
1) Nunavut $8.50 March 3, 2003
2) Northwest Territories $8.25 December 28, 2003
3) British Columbia $8.00 November 1, 2001
4) Ontario $7.75 February 1, 2006
5) Quebec $7.75 May 1, 2006
6) Manitoba $7.60 April 1, 2006
7) Saskatchewan $7.55 March 1, 2006
8) Yukon $8.25 May 1, 2006
9&10) Nova Scotia $7.15 April 1, 2006
9&10) Prince Edward Island $7.15 April 1, 2006
11) Alberta $7.00 September 1, 2005
12&13) New Brunswick $6.70 July 1, 2006
12&13) Newfoundland $6.75 June 1, 2006
Federal minimum wage Rate Varies ($7.55 in Sask as of March 1, 2006)

*These are the general minimum wage rates in each jurisdiction – some have different rates based on regional and occupational considerations and some have lower rates for students, inexperienced workers, and/or employees receiving gratuities.

Data updated November 17, 2006



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