Debt Management Quiz
Education Loans, Learning Resources in Canada, Canada Student Loans- CanLearn
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Education Loans, Learning Resources in Canada, Canada Student Loans- CanLearn

You may be in financial trouble if you are:

  • finding it difficult to save anything
  • continually short of funds
  • using your savings to pay debt
  • near or over your credit limit on all or most of your accounts
  • missing payments or due dates for your bills

The question is: how serious is your debt situation, and are your financial habits making things worse than they have to be? Take this quiz and find out!

1.  Do you know how much you spend every month?

Yes, I have a working budget and I always balance.
I have a vague idea, but I've over-extended myself in the past so now I'm starting to keep records and maintain a budget.
I haven't a clue, it just seems to fly out of my pocket!
Who cares? If I run out of cash, I've got a wide selection of plastic to keep me going!
2.  When it comes to paying off debts, saving and investing:

After living expenses and debt payments, I rarely have anything left for savings and investments.
I make regular payments on my debts, and usually have a little something left over at the end of the month.
I make regular maximum payments on my debts, and still manage to make RRSP contributions and save a little every month.
The billing address and contact number I give out is the home of someone I don't like who lives in another city. Thanks to caller ID I do just fine! My motto is: Live large, spend fast, and let someone else pay for the funeral!
3.  Do you pay all your bills on time?

I try, but I'm usually late with my payments.
Yes, although occasionally I make a late payment.
I can pay some of my bills all of the time, or all of my bills some of the time, but I can't pay all of my bills all of the time!
4.  Have you done any retirement planning?

Yes, my golden years will be just that.
I have a plan, but I've only had a little success meeting my goals.
I don't have a plan, and I don't know where to begin.
Retirement is too far away to worry about.
5.  When it comes to medical, disability or life insurance:

I'm covered, but I don't know the details.
I'm completely covered and understand the features of my policies.
I have very little coverage.
I try to stay very healthy.
6.  Are you doing anything to minimize the taxes you pay?

Am I supposed to be paying taxes?
I contribute to retirement plans and RRSPs, but not much else.
I just do my taxes and pay them each year.
Yes, I'm using tax deferring and tax reducing techniques.
7.  Do you keep records of your financial assets?

I'm hoping the companies who send my statements keep very good records!
I never throw them away, but I'm not sure where they are.
Yes--they are organized, accurate and accessible.
What assets?
8.  Do you understand the differences in your investment types?

I know the major differences between stocks and bonds.
Yes, I'm very comfortable discussing asset types and classes.
Not really.
What investments?
9.  Are your investments diversified?

No, I just pick a few really good investments and stick with them.
My investments are somewhat diversified, but I could do better.
Yes, I also reallocate among asset classes as market conditions change.
I make it a point to change my lotto numbers every week.
10. Do you have a satisfactory credit rating?
I check it regularly and it's perfect.
As far as I know, but I don't usually check it.
No, I've been turned down for credit a couple of times.
No, about the only place I can borrow from these days is the library.


Last Updated: 2005-12-05

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