Canadian Student Loans & Canadian Scholarships- CanLearn
Education Loans, Learning Resources in Canada, Canada Student Loans- CanLearn
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Education Loans, Learning Resources in Canada, Canada Student Loans- CanLearn

Financial Planner > Budget Estimator

Budget Estimator

The Budget Estimator estimates the Monthly Cost of Living as well as the resources that are available for financing your education.

*Please enter numbers without spaces or commas.



  Education Cost Total   $

  Cost of Living
Shelter $ $
There is no shelter cost if you are living at home. However, if you help out your parents with rent, you can type in your own value.
Groceries $ $
This is the estimated cost of food. It does not include restaurant and cafeteria meals, nor does it include school meal plans.
Miscellaneous $ $
This is the estimated cost of personal and health care, clothing, communications, and household cleaning.
Local Public Transportation $ $
This is the estimated cost of a monthly student bus pass in major centres in each region.
Total $ $

  Income and Resources

  Non Repayable Resources
Net Income
$ $
If you don't have the exact amount, enter the approximate amount of money that you will make per month or per year.
Personal savings
Scholarships, grants, bursaries
RESPs, in-trust accounts, parental contributions
Other financial assets such as Canada Savings Bonds, GICs, RRSPs, etc.
Other sources of income, such as GST refund, gifts, income tax return

  Repayable Resources
Government Loans
Bank or family loans
Other resources

$ $

Once you have all the facts about costs and resources, GO to the next page to figure out how much money you need to raise in order to meet your learning goals.


Last Updated: 2005-12-05

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