
Parent Finders, P.E.I.

Parent Finders was established on Prince Edward Island in 1995, to date we have had 80+ reunions. In these pages I will include tables of Adoptees searching and Birth Families. Also I will provide a General Information area, to help you get started on a search. Please bookmark this page and visit often, as I will be updating all the time when I recieve new registrations of people searching

PLEASE NOTE: If you have an entry in the Adoptees Searching or Birth Families Searching, Section and you have not updated your information...such as: Change of address, new e-mail, phone number etc.. please do so at once. Just send me an e-mail with your date of birth, name, new address, current e-mail, and phone number. There have been several matches that were possible, but because of outdated information, the match was not made possible. The pages will be under heavy construction for the next month. If your entry is still out dated...I'm sorry but it will be removed.

Updated as of Sept 11, 2001

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