
News release

January 7, 2005


Consultations on a Canadian Housing Framework begin today

CALGARY, ALBERTA —The Honourable Joe Fontana, Minister of Labour and Housing, opened today in Calgary the first of a series of consultations with homelessness and housing stakeholders across Canada. These consultations will lead to the development of a Canadian Housing Framework that will build on existing programs and introduce new initiatives to create a more comprehensive range of housing programs.

“I am looking forward to hearing from our community partners who have a wealth of expertise, creativity and perspective to offer,” said Minister Fontana. “Addressing housing needs means more than just putting a roof over someone’s head. It involves a whole range of supports and services that an individual may need. By engaging all our partners - communities, governments, the social and private sectors - in these discussions, we hope to help Canadians build better lives and stronger communities.”

In the 2004 Speech from the Throne, the Government of Canada reaffirmed the importance of addressing housing and the needs of the homeless in this country, and acknowledged that shelter is the foundation upon which healthy communities and individual dignity are built. It is recognized that helping individuals and families to overcome housing challenges promotes self reliance, counters a multitude of social problems; and contributes to the economic well-being of all Canadians.

In response, the government is committed to building a partnership-based housing framework that is responsive to the "real needs of real people". As part of this commitment, a policy development process is underway that is intended to build on our successes and existing programs with new innovative initiatives in partnership with other levels of government, community groups and the private sector.

Consultations will include community forums where local and regional stakeholders will be invited to present their views. Expert roundtables will also be held in many communities and will focus on topics central to housing and homelessness. In addition, the general public is invited to submit their ideas on the development of the Canadian Housing Framework at

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For a detailed view of the consultation schedule or more information on the Government of Canada’s National Homelessness Initiative, please visit our Web site at

For more information on Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation, please visit

For more information contact:
Peter Graham
Director of Communications
Office of the Minister of Labour and Housing
(819) 953-5646