News release

January 19, 2005



WINNIPEG, MANITOBA—Twelve projects to enhance access to transitional housing, life skills development and outreach programming for homeless or at-risk people in Winnipeg, are being made possible with the support of over $3 million from the Government of Canada, the Province of Manitoba and the City of Winnipeg through the Winnipeg Housing and Homelessness Initiative (WHHI).

Funding for the projects is being provided to 11 local community organizations under the Government of Canada’s National Homelessness Initiative (NHI). The attached backgrounder lists the approved projects. The funding announcement was made at the Circle of Life Thunderbird House, 715 Main Street. The Honourable Joe Fontana, Minister of Labour and Housing; Doug Martindale, MLA for Burrows on behalf of the Honourable Christine Melnick, Manitoba Minister of Family Services and Housing; and Councillor Harry Lazarenko, Mynarski Ward, on behalf of the City of Winnipeg, participated in today’s ceremonies.

“This additional investment from the Government of Canada will enable these organizations to continue providing the essential programs and services to people who need them most,” said Minister Fontana. “The projects announced today represent the community’s collective vision of how to best address the homelessness situation in Winnipeg, and we are pleased to be involved.”

“This assistance, through the Winnipeg Housing and Homelessness Initiative, will help support citizens in need while also helping them to achieve greater self-sufficiency and independence,” said Martindale. “By working with these community-based partners, we are all better able to assist people achieve their fullest potential.”

“Eleven community organizations will benefit significantly from the over $3 million in project funding announced today,” said Councillor Lazarenko. “Every day, these organizations provide our city’s homeless and at risk individuals with much-needed access to transitional housing, life skills development, and outreach programs. This funding injection will go a long way to ensuing that these services and programs continue. I applaud our community and government partners for their continuing efforts to address homelessness in Winnipeg.”

The funding, through the WHHI, is helping organizations to build new facilities or renovate existing buildings, provide more transitional housing, as well as expand programs and services for those at risk of being homeless.

The Government of Canada launched the NHI in December 1999 to support communities’ efforts to alleviate homelessness. Between 1999 and 2006, $1.15 billion will have been invested as part of the federal government’s commitment to addressing homelessness in Canada. To date in Winnipeg alone, 109 projects, representing an investment of about $28 million, have been either developed or approved to proceed.

The funding for these projects is being coordinated through the WHHI, a partnership established by the Government of Canada, the Province of Manitoba and the City of Winnipeg to address homelessness, declining housing stock and the revitalization of Winnipeg's older neighbourhoods.

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For more information:
Brian Williamson
Winnipeg Housing and Homelessness Initiative (WHHI)
(204) 984-0592
cell: 771-6438

Peter Graham
Director of Communications
Minister Fontana’s Office
(819) 953-5646


Funding for the projects below is provided under the Government of Canada’s National Homelessness Initiative (NHI):

Ka Ni Kanichihk Incorporation ($999, 300) - To construct a new transitional housing project for Aboriginal homeless males and females while providing culturally-appropriate programming. The project proposed will be either a one or two-storey design containing two emergency residential units, a multi-purpose room, resource centre, counseling area, sharing circle area, children's space, heath care space, administration, kitchen, showers/washroom, computer and language training area.

Contact: Leslie Spillet (204) 942-7639

Circle of Life Thunderbird House – PaaPiiWak ($397,988) - To continue providing transitional housing, programming and social support services through the PaaPiiWak program, for four Aboriginal male youth between the ages of 18-29 years who are currently and/or were involved with street gangs.

Contact: Mary Richard (204) 947-4240

Circle of Life Thunderbird House - Oshkitwaawin ($314,581) - To assist with operating the second phase of the Oshkitwaawin program which focuses on providing culturally-appropriate programming and services to Aboriginal people wanting to escape solvent abuse, the sex trade, and gang activity.

Contact: Mary Richard (204) 947-4240

Direct Action in Support of Community Homes Inc. (DASH) – ($245,000) – To purchase and convert an existing home into a health-care licensed transitional residence, comprising five one-bedroom units for individuals with developmental, physical and mental disabilities who are homeless or at risk of homelessness. The home will also include a single bedroom/office for one live-in licensed caregiver.

Contact: Karen Fonseth (204) 987-1555

North End Women’s Centre Inc. – ($220,039) – To renovate the upper floor of the property located at 382/384 Selkirk Avenue, and create two new transitional housing units for chronically homeless single women with mental health issues as well as four new offices.

Contact: Bernice Getty (204) 589-7347

Vineyard Christian Fellowship Winnipeg Centre Inc. ($200,000) - To purchase and renovate two properties and create six new transitional housing units for people who are suffering from addictions. The new units will allow addicts the opportunity to heal, strengthen and become motivated to become independent in the future, without the risk of returning to their old lifestyle.

Contact: John Rademaker (204) 228-0042

Oyate Tipi Cumini Yape Inc. ($168,640) - To assist the organization to continue providing gently-used furniture to women leaving abusive relationships by paying the salaries of the Program Manager, Administrative Assistant, Warehouse/Delivery worker as well as some overhead costs and minimal capital costs.

Contact: Annetta Armstrong (204) 589-2218

Winnipeg Métis Association Inc. ($158,778) -To increase capacity building skills for the Winnipeg Métis Association through the hiring of a new Homelessness Outreach Coordinator, a Consultant/Trainer, a Research/Administrative Assistant, and to cover administration costs for a one-year period.

Contact: Ron Chartrand (204) 589-4327

Hands of Hope Inc. – ($130, 860) – To complete construction of the community furniture warehouse and hire an outreach worker and a warehouse manager.

Contact: Alan Redmond (204) 229-2363

Siloam Mission – ($128,955) - To employ a cook, 2 outreach workers and an Operation Manager to meet the fundamental needs of the homeless people in Winnipeg's core area, address the complex needs of the less fortunate, and develop new sources of funding to enhance and stabilize Siloam Mission.

Contact: John Mohan (204) 955-3246

Addictions Recovery Inc. ($70,218) - To renovate and enhance two existing transitional houses, consisting of 14 beds in total, for men recovering from addictions.

Contact: Max Sanderson (204) 586-2550

Native Women's Transition Centre ($31,704) – To help fund the “Completing the Circle” project that will provide four mentors to assist women who are leaving NWTC with ongoing support. The mentors will be recruited from women who have already completed their stay at NWTC and the project will enable the mentors to become strong role models for others, give back to the community and enhance their employment experience and training.

Contact: Lucille Bruce (204) 989-8240