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Breast Screening Program

Where can I find information about the Breast Screening Program?

The PEI Breast Screening Program makes early detection of breast cancer available to PEI women. At a breast screening clinic you will:

  • have a mammogram
  • have a clinical breast examination
  • learn more about breast self-examination.
Who is breast screening for?
The clinics are for women who:
  • are aged 50 to 69
  • have no symptoms of breast cancer such as a breast lump, puckery skin, a nipple discharge or rash
  • have not had a mammogram in the last 12 months
  • did not have breast surgery in the last two years
  • do not have breast implants
  • have never had breast cancer
You do not need a doctor's referral to come to a Breast Screening Clinic. Appointments are necessary.



Prince County Hospital

Bulger, Heather () Province of PEI


Queen Elizabeth Hospital

Smith, Norah (Provinical Coordinator PEI Breast Screening Program) Province of PEI

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