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Cancer Emergency Assistance Policy

This is a program of the Canadian Cancer Society, PEI Division

  1. Transportation
    The PEI Division assists with transportation for active treatments (chemotherapy, radiation, surgery, or medically administered injections). Transportation costs for consultations or periodic check-ups are not reimbursed. The PEI Division will reimburse a maximum of $300/year for all ground travel. All rates include return trips.

    To apply, a patient must complete a Transportation Assistance Application, with treatment dates confirmed by the treatment facility.

    1. On Island Travel
      Patients travelling from:
      • West Prince to Summerside will be reimbursed $10.
      • West Prince to Charlottetown will be reimbursed $20.
      • East Prince to Charlottetown will be reimbursed $10.
      • Southern Kings to Charlottetown will be reimbursed $10.
      • Eastern Kings to Charlottetown will be reimbursed $13.
    2. Maritime Travel
      If you are travelling off-Island for treatment daily, the PEI government will reimburse $35/trip to those who choose to travel daily rather than use Hostel accommodations. (Call 368 -6171 for more information.) In these cases, the PEI Division will reimburse $15/trip to Moncton or $40/trip to Halifax or St. John.

      If you are staying as an outpatient while taking treatment, the PEI government will cover the costs of accommodation. (For more information, ask your doctor or call 902-473-7398.) To help cover fuel and bridge or ferry costs, the PEI Division will reimburse $75 for trips to Halifax or St. John, or $50 per trip to Moncton to a maximum of $300 per year.

    3. Out-of-Province Air Travel
      Assistance for air travel will be provided for patients to a maximum of $1200 per diagnosis ($2400 if the patient is under 18 years of age and needs to be accompanied by an adult).

      Hope Air: The PEI Division works with Hope Air to co-ordinate flights for patients requiring treatment out-of-province. A minimum of 10 working days notice is required. The patient's request may also include transportation for an escort. The PEI Division will pay the processing fee of $25.00 as part of the air transportation allowance.

  2. Drugs
    Original receipts including the drug names are required before the reimbursement will be processed. Medications that do not normally require a prescription are not covered. The PEI Division encourages, where possible, the purchase of drugs at drugstores that choose not to sell tobacco products (currently Alberton Pharmacy, Bob’s Pharmacy (Tignish), Cornwall Pharmacy, Ramsay Pharmacy (Kensington), Hunter River Pharmacy, Parkdale Pharmacy, Walmart Pharmacy, West Royalty Pharmacy, and Morell Pharmacy).
    1. The PEI Division will reimburse up to $100/month for drugs used for cancer treatment and symptom control within the following categories: chemotherapy agents, antibiotic/antifungals/antibacterials, anti-nauseants, anti-diarrheals, pain/anti-inflammatory, and oral steroids. To be reimbursed, a drug must be listed on a formulary composed of drugs within the above categories. A copy of this formulary is attached or is available from the PEI Division office (566-4007).
    2. New drugs, within the above categories, may be added to the formulary after consultation with volunteer medical or pharmaceutical advisors. The formulary will be updated on a regular basis and reviewed annually by the volunteer advisors.
    3. Other, less common drugs that may be used in the treatment or pain management of specific cancers may also be reimbursed with a doctor’s note regarding the drug’s relation to the patient’s cancer treatment.
    4. Drug co-payments will not be reimbursed unless totalling over $100 in a given month. In such a case, the next $100 will be eligible for reimbursement if the drugs meet the other qualifying criteria.
    5. Chemotherapy drugs costing over $500/month will be reimbursed by 50% up to a maximum of $400/month.
    6. Assistance for drug costs is limited to the first five years following a cancer diagnosis. In case of a re-diagnosis, this five year period will begin again.
  3. Diet Supplements
    Diet supplements for those requiring a total diet by tube feeding will be reimbursed to a maximum of $100/month for three months. A doctor’s note is required, stating the need for a total diet by tube feeding.
  4. Dressings
    All approved dressings are distributed by the PEI Division office to cancer patients for the first two years following surgery. When these are not suitable, and with approval, maximum assistance is to a value of $100.00 a month.
  5. Ostomy Supplies
    Ostomy bags, flanges and wafers are provided for the first two years following surgery. All ostomy supplies are distributed from the PEI Division office.
  6. Oxygen
    With written confirmation from a physician determining need due to cancer, the Society will provide up to $100 a month for the cost of oxygen gas.
  7. Prostheses
    The PEI Division provides up to $150 towards the purchase of prostheses once every two years. Please note that the first permanent breast prosthesis is provided free of charge by the Department of Health via the QEH.
  8. Wigs
    A limited supply of wigs are available without charge. The wigs are located off-site, so please call the PEI Division office at 566-4007 for information about them. Otherwise, the PEI Division provides up to $150 for the purchase of a wig.
  9. Miscellaneous Expenses
    The PEI Division does not provide financial assistance for the use of complementary and alternative therapies or for equipment such as beds, wheelchairs, etc.
    1. For expenses incurred because of cancer and its treatment that are not addressed in this policy, a Special Request Committee will consider all requests under the value of $150.00. For consideration, written verification is required from the physician(s) outlining the need, as well as a written estimate of the costs to be incurred.
    2. The Executive of the Board of the PEI Division will consider all special requests valued over $150.00. For consideration, written verification is required from the physician(s) outlining the need, as well as a written estimate of the expected costs.
Our Advocacy Program

We continue to offer this Emergency Assistance Program to those in need out of compassion while recognizing that the Program offers little more than a ‘band-aid’ solution to an enormous problem. The Division considers it unacceptable that Islanders may have to forego cancer treatment because of the associated expense and recognizes that the escalating incidence of cancer and associated treatment costs will create a far more serious problem in the future. We are working to convince the provincial government to accept responsibility for such costs as expensive chemotherapy drugs, certain costly long-term drugs, ostomy supplies and palliative care expenses through its health care system instead of shifting such expenses to the individual consumer and to charities.

Charlottetown (1 Rochford Street, Suite 1) [On a map]

For More Information
Canadian Cancer Society, PEI Division
1 Rochford Street, Suite 1
Charlottetown, PE
C1A 9L2
Telephone: (902) 566-4007
Toll-free: 1-866-566-4007
Facsimile: (902) 628-8281

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