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Organ and Tissue Donation

Where can I find information about organ and tissue donation?

Any person over 16 years of age may express his wish to become an organ donor after his death.

There is no organ donor card in the province of PEI. It is important to discuss your wishes to donate with your family since they will be asked to consent to donation in the event of your death. You can also indicate your wish to be a donor by affixing a red sticker to your PEI Health Card and by having a red heart engraved on your driver's license. Even if a donor expresses his wish to donate organs in a Health Care Directive, a physician will still want the family's consent before anything is done. Although not required by Law, a physician will not engage in the organ retrieval process if the family is opposed. This is why it is important to tell your family in advance that you want to be a donor.

You may express your wish to donate organs or tissues in writing when making a health care directive. A health care directive is a legal document describing the amount and type of health care you want should you become incapable of making treatment decisions. A health care directive never takes priority over a capable person's consent.

A person may change his mind and withdraw his or her consent at any time.

The death of a potential organ donor must be determined by at least two physicians in accordance with accepted medical practice. Neither physician is to be involved in the care of any potential organ or tissue recipient from this donor.

Organs and tissues that may be donated for transplantation include heart, kidneys, lung, liver, pancreas, heart valves, bone, skin and cornea.

A person who is 16 years of age may also consent to the use of his or her body or organs or tissues for therapeutic purposes, medical education or scientific research.



16 Garfield Street

Driscoll, Mary (Emergency Medical Services Coordinator) Province of PEI

Queen Elizabeth Hospital

Perry, Heather (Nurse Manager, ICU/CCU) Province of PEI


Souris Hospital

Cahill, Cathy (Head Nurse) Province of PEI

Tyne Valley

Stewart Memorial Hospital

Doran, Cheryl (Nurse Coordinator) Province of PEI


Western Hospital

Blackadar, Dorothy Province of PEI

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