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Premier's Action Committee on Family Violence Prevention

How are Islanders affected by family violence?

Family violence is a serious concern in PEI. In the year 2000:
  • over 8000 calls were received by Transition House Association
  • 1647 women and children received direct services from Transition House Association
  • 751 new cases were opened at Victim Services including 87 cases of sexual assault, 236 for wife assault, and 44 for other family abuse issues
  • over 1600 reports of child abuse/neglect were investigated by Child and Family Services
  • approximately 115 emergency protection orders were granted since the Victims of Family Violence Act was proclaimed in 1996.
How do Islanders feel about family violence?

The results of the Family Violence Survey 2000 indicated that:
  • 87% of Islanders are concerned about family violence
  • 97% believe if family violence happens once, it will usually happen again
  • 75% believe that education and awareness will help prevent family violence
  • 81% think of family violence as child abuse, 80% partner abuse, and 10% elder abuse
  • 92% believe family violence happens when there is too much drinking of alcohol
  • 37% believe physical abuse of a woman often starts during pregnancy
  • 74% believe that elder abuse often happens in PEI
  • 40% of those surveyed would go to Social Services, 32% to the police, 15% to medical people, 11% to Transition House Association, and 11% to clergy for information about an issue related to family violence
  • 90% of people believe that penalties for family violence are not strict enough
What is the Premier's Action Committee on Family Violence Prevention?

Established in 1995, the Premier's Action Committee on Family Violence Prevention is a 23-member committee consisting of 18 community representatives and five government representatives.

The mandate of the committee is to:
  • implement a five-year strategy on family violence prevention for Prince Edward Island, and
  • report directly to the Premier on all issues related to the implementation of the strategy, and all related issues of family violence prevention and intervention on Prince Edward Island
Committee members serve five-year terms. Members include:

Chair - Member at Large Hon. Marion Reid
Resource Person Rona Brown
Administrative Assistant Cindy Ferguson
PEI Teachers' Federation Charlene Cain
PEI Nurses Association & PEI Aboriginal Women's Association Marilyn Sark
PEI Medical Society Dr. Christine MacNearney
PEI Seniors' Federation Irene Larkin
PEI Chiefs of Police Association Deputy Chief Richard Collins
Royal Canadian Mounted Police Sgt. Dave Thibeau
Transition House Association Joanne Ings
PEI Rape & Sexual Assault Crisis Centre Kelly Robinson
Community Legal Information Association Ann Sherman
Department of Education June Sanderson
Office of the Attorney General Dave O'Brien, Q.C.
L'Association des Femmes Acadiennes Leona Arsenault
Office of the Attorney General Jill Lightwood
Eastern PEI Family Violence Prevention Anne Nicholson
PEI Advisory Council on the Status of Women Lisa Murphy
Clergy Representative (Kensington United Church) Rev. Jack Spencer
East Prince Women's Information Centre (E.P.W.I.C.) Andy Lou Somers
Women's Institute Barbara Currie
Big Brothers / Big Sisters Association Yvonne Cartner
Department of Development & Technology Jim Follwell
Occupational Health & Safety George Stewart
Dept of Health & Social Services Cathy McCormack

The provincial family violence strategy receives annual funding of $250,000 from the Interministerial Women's Secretariat, and the departments of Education, Health and Social Services, and Development & Technology. Funding is provided to Transition House Association, the PEI Rape/Sexual Assault Crisis Centre, and to fund the provincial family violence consultant position.

What has the committee accomplished?

During the first five years of the strategy, the Premier's Action Committee on Family Violence Prevention has:
  • provided increased funding for the establishment of community outreach workers in the Eastern Kings and Queens regions, additional resources for Anderson House, and for the treatment and support of adult survivors of childhood sexual abuse and sexual assault through the Rape and Sexual Assault Crisis Centre
  • assisted in the implementation of the new Victims of Family Violence Act
  • funded annual purple ribbon campaigns to raise awareness of violence against women and children
  • conducted public presentations on family violence prevention
  • implemented social marketing campaigns to change attitudes towards family violence
  • provided training for front line service providers on the identification, detection, investigation and interventions required to effectively respond to victims of child abuse, domestic violence and elder abuse
  • participated in several research initiatives
  • published brochures, resource, and public education materials
  • partnered with community and government organizations in related projects
  • partnered with the Reproductive Care program to develop and implement a prenatal psychosocial assessment program for pregnant women, and assisted with training for nurses and physicians to implement the assessment
  • developed and implemented woman abuse protocols for hospital emergency rooms, income assistance and justice related services
  • surveyed public attitudes and awareness of family violence
  • coordinated initiatives to prevent violence in the workplace
What is the future direction of the committee?

The mandate of the committee is now being renewed. New and returning members are being asked to serve five-year terms, and a new five-year family violence prevention strategy is being developed and implemented.

In the fall of 2001, community and private consultations were held across the province to address the issue of family violence. The result of these consultations will be combined with the ongoing work of the Premier's Action Committee on Family Violence Prevention, along with a synthesis of recommendations from various reports on family violence provided over the last number of years. This information is being coordinated and developed into an ACTION PLAN which will be presented to the Premier in January 2002. This ACTION PLAN will provide the direction for the renewed mandate of the committee.

For more information on family violence, please consult the following websites:

The Official Website of the Government of Prince Edward Island, Canada.
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