Government InfoPEI Business Employment Visiting the Island



Family Violence Resource Guide

Emergency Services

  • Anderson House (toll free) 1-800-240-9894, Charlottetown, 892-0960

    Provides 24-hour service for physically and emotionally abused women and their children. Emergency shelter, food and clothing; crisis telephone service; counselling, emotional support, information and referral. Wheelchair accessible. Women are not admitted if they are under the influence of alcohol or non-prescription drugs. If they exhibit psychiatric problems beyond the staff’s capability, or if their need is for shelter only.

  • Child Abuse Line (toll free) 1-800-341-6868

    Child protection services for abused children. After-hours calls concerning child abuse are screened and, if necessary, referred to workers on call across PEI.

  • PEI Rape and Sexual Assault Crisis Centre(toll free) 1-800-289-5656, Charlottetown, 566-8999

    Provides 24-hour crisis line for victims of rape and sexual assault including incest and spousal rape. Trained volunteers answer calls and provide information, advocacy and support.

  • Island Help Line (toll free) 1-800-218-2885

    24-hour free, confidential service for all Islanders providing information, support, crisis counselling on family matters, child abuse, alcohol and drugs, parenting and suicide.

Regional Health Authorities
  • Child and Family Services
    • Charlottetown, 368-5330
    • Souris, 687-7060
    • Montague, 838-0700
    • Summerside, 888-8100
    • O’Leary, 859-8811
    Financial assistance; homemakers and home helpers; child protection services; general counselling; transportation in cases of special need; day-care subsidy; and other social services.
Police 911
  • Charlottetown RCMP, 368-9300
  • Summerside RCMP, 436-9300
  • Alberton RCMP, 853-9300
  • Montague RCMP, 838-9300
  • Souris RCMP, 687-9300
  • Charlottetown Police Department, 629-4172
  • Summerside Police Department, 432-1201
  • Borden-Carleton Police Department, 437-2228
  • Kensington Police Department, 836-4499
  • Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Charlottetown, 894-2111
  • Prince County Hospital, Summerside, 438-4200
  • Stewart Memorial Hospital, Tyne Valley, 831-7900
  • Kings County Memorial Hospital, Montague, 838-0777
  • Souris Hospital, Souris, 687-7150
  • Western Hospital, Alberton, 853-8650
  • O’Leary Community Hospital, O’Leary, 859-8700

Community Mental Health Services

  • Charlottetown, 368-4430
  • Summerside, 888-8180
  • Montague, 838-0782
  • Souris, 687-7096
  • West Prince, 888-8180
Treatment, assessment and consultation services.

Community Services

  • Transition House Outreach Services
    • West Prince: Valerie Smallman, 859-8849
    • East Prince: Norma McColeman, 436-0517
    • Eastern PEI: Gwyn Davies, 838-0795
    • Queens County: Gloria Dennis, 566-1480
    A free and confidential service providing emotional support for women victimized by family violence.
  • Community and Family Services of PEI
    • Charlottetown 892-2441
    Individual, family and marital counselling; information and referral; family life education; family advocacy; and specialize in anger management for victims and abusers. Ladies auxiliary provides a Christmas shop for low-income clients.
  • Pownal House
    • Charlottetown 894-3515
    Individual, marital and family counselling; support and self-help groups; family life education program, and advocacy on behalf of clients.
  • Prince County Family Services Bureau
    • Summerside 436-9171
    Supportive counselling and referrals for families of limited income and for unmarried mothers.
  • Home Care and Support
    • Charlottetown, 368-4790
    • Montague, 838-0772
    • O’Leary, 859-8730
    • Souris, 687-7096
    • Summerside, 888-8440
    Adult protection; home care nursing; visiting homemakers; occupational therapists; community support workers.
Justice & Legal Services
  • Victim Services
    • Charlottetown, 368-4582
    • Summerside, 888-8217
    Assists victims of crime across the province. Services include: information and referral; short-term counselling; assistance through the Court process; victim impact statements; and criminal injuries compensation.
  • Community Legal Information Association
    • Charlottetown, (toll free) 1-800-240-9798, 892-0853
    Provides basic legal information including free pamphlets on a wide variety of legal topics to the general public.
  • Crown Attorneys
    • Charlottetown, 368-4595
    • Summerside, 888-8213
    The Crown Attorneys represent the Attorney General in the prosecution of all criminal cases under the Criminal Code of Canda and Provincial Statues. In cooperation with Victim Services, Crown Attorneys assist victims with Court preparation upon request.
  • PEI Community Justice Resource Centre
    • 368-6390
    Programming of the Centre focuses upon the delivery of services which will develop and reinforce positive lifestyles. Programs include the Turning Point Program which is a men’s group counselling program aimed at helping men to stop violence against their female partners; the Female Anger Management Program; the Male Anger Management Program; and the Sexual Deviance Assessment / Treatment Program.
  • Family Legal Aid
    • Charlottetown, 368-6043
    • Summerside, 888-8219
    Services to low-income clients in family law matters such as separation, divorce, custody, for victims of family violence; also for child protection cases.
  • Family Court Counsellors
    • Charlottetown, 368-6056
    Reports to the Court, e.g., custody reports ordered by Supreme Court Justices; family and maritial counselling; and referral to appropriate legal and other agencies.
  • Consumer Services
    • (toll free) 1-800-658-1799
    • Charlottetown, 368-4580
    Assistance and counselling is available to any consumer with a debt-related problem.
  • Lawyer Referral Service
    • Charlottetown(toll free) 1-800-240-9798, 892-0853
    Legal advice provided early before your problems become complicated or expensive. Nominal fee for one-half hour advice. Monday to Friday. 9 a.m. - 4 p.m.
  • Maintenance Enforcement
    • Charlottetown, 368-6010
    Enforcement of provincial orders and agreements and contact for out-of-province enforcement for the benefit of child and spousal support.
Other Resources
  • Salvation Army
    • Charlottetown 892-8870, (after hours) 566-9982
    • Summerside 888-3870, (after hours) 436-8072
    24-hour service. Emergency shelter, food and clothing; transportation in emergency cases if needed; pastoral counselling; operation of a senior citizen home; and provision of a chaplain to the Correctional Centre.
  • East Prince Women’s Information Centre
    • Summerside 436-9856
    Information and referral for women on issues such as employment, wife-battering, addictions, legal rights, sexual harassment, etc.

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