
News release

May 13, 2004


Government of Canada makes significant contribution to 17 Quebec organizations that help homeless people

BEAUPORT, QUEBEC — The Honourable Hélène Chalifour Scherrer, Minister of Canadian Heritage and MP for Louis-Hébert on behalf of the Honourable Claudette Bradshaw, Minister of Labour and Minister responsible for Homelessness, today announced contributions totalling over $4.3 million to 17 Quebec organizations to carry out projects to alleviate homelessness. These organizations are dedicated to helping homeless people. The funding is provided through the Supporting Communities Partnership Initiative (SCPI), one of the components of the National Homelessness Initiative (NHI).

“I am proud to announce these contributions to these local organizations,” said Minister Chalifour Scherrer. “The projects that will be carried out meet our objective to build a society that cares for its most vulnerable citizens.”

The contributions announced today will be used to help 17 organizations provide essential services to those who are in need. The information document attached lists the approved projects.

“So far, 64 projects have been approved in the Quebec City area alone, which represents an investment of over $13 million. I take this opportunity to thank and congratulate all those who will participate in carrying out these projects” added Minister Chalifour Scherrer.

In July 2003, the Government of Canada and the Government of Quebec signed an agreement of cooperation regarding the SCPI and the Regional Homelessness Fund. This agreement respects the jurisdictions, policies and priorities of both governments with regard to homelessness. A joint management committee oversees the coordination of this agreement and is supported in its work by an advisory committee composed of representatives from both levels of government and from community organizations. The NHI is making a difference by encouraging the development of flexible, community-driven solutions to help alleviate homelessness.

“This funding furthers the Government of Canada’s commitment to continue working together with community groups, the private sector and all levels of government to find local solutions to address homelessness”, stated Minister Bradshaw.

The Government of Canada launched the NHI in December 1999 to support communities’ efforts to help Canadians out of homelessness. From 1999 to 2006, $1.15 billion is being spent towards the federal government’s commitment to addressing homelessness in Canada. Since the inception of the NHI, the Government of Canada has invested over $80 million in more than 450 projects to reduce homelessness in Quebec. Funding for this Initiative is provided for in the March 2004 budget.

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Since December 1999, communities across Canada have undertaken over 1,800 projects, funded wholly or in part by the NHI. These projects will result in:
  • The addition of approximately 8,000 permanent beds in shelters, and transitional and supportive housing.
  • The construction, renovation and improvement of over 1,000 facilities such as shelters, food banks, soup kitchens and drop-in centres.
  • The transfer of 50 properties, worth $9.2 million and approved under the NHI’s Surplus Federal Real Property for Homelessness Initiative, to establish 214 transitional affordable housing units.
  • In addition to Government of Canada investments, the partnerships have leveraged substantial resources, valued at more than a half billion dollars, for the implementation of homelessness projects in Canada.

For more information on the Government of Canada’s NHI, please visit our Web site at:


Jacques Legris
Government of Canada
(418) 681-2599, extension 2158

Denis D’Amour
Office of Minister Bradshaw
(506) 851-3419

Mylène Dupéré
Office of the Hon. Hélène Chalifour Scherrer
(819) 997-7788


Projects approved under the National Homelessness Initiative Government of Canada Contributions

Supporting Communities Partnership Initiative (SCPI)

Café Rencontre Centre-Ville inc. Project 1 – $662,144 The funds will be used to purchase and renovate a building to which this soup kitchen will relocate.

Gîte Jeunesse inc. Project 1 – $643,705 This project is designed to facilitate a continuum of adapted support services before, during and after sheltering, targeting the most vulnerable young people between the ages of 12 and 17 to prevent them from becoming homeless.

Projet intervention prostitution Québec inc. Project 1 – $396,664 This project will maintain employment for two streetworkers, a facilitator, a development officer and a researcher. It will also help pay for various activity and travel expenses.

Centre Femmes aux 3 A Project 1 – $336,963 The Centre will use the funds to cover leasehold renovation and improvement costs, and pay the salaries of two rehabilitation and follow up counsellors.

Maison d’hébergement jeunesse Ste-Foy Project 1 – $301,813 The funds will be used to make services more accessible to young adolescents and to strengthen the organization’s capacity for screening and prevention.

Trame d’actions et d’initiatives concertées « TRAIC » Project 1 – $301,461 This project involves support, referral, follow up and outreach activities for young people, promoting their well-being. The funds will be used to pay the salaries of two streetworkers, a coordinator and an administrative assistant, and to cover other costs related to the project.

Mères et monde – Centre de ressources pour jeunes mères Project 1 – $260,884 The funds will be used to continue offering support activities and residential services to young and, for the most part single, mothers. They will also help to establish a new residential and community centre, and to hire five staff workers.

Les Œuvres de la Maison Dauphine Project 1 – $243,108 This project is designed to maintain, strengthen and adapt frontline services to prevent homelessness and mitigate its consequences among street youth. The funds will be used to hire four streetworkers and pay for support costs.

Regroupement Action Prévention « R. A. P. » Jeunesse Project 1 – $223,208 The funds will be used to pay the wages of two streetworkers and a development officer, and covers the costs related to the project’s activities.

Maison Marie-Frédéric inc. Project 1 – $209,360 The funds will be used to pay the salaries of two facilitators and a development officer.

Centre résidentiel et communautaire Jacques-Cartier Project 1 – $164,471 The funds will be used to hire a guidance and follow up worker, a community facilitator and an administrative assistant, and to pay for activities carried out by and for young people.

Programme d’encadrement clinique et d’hébergement « P. E. C. H. » Project 1 – $154,100 This project will help increase community service capacity, and the organization’s capacity to provide intensive community follow up services and support services for activities related to diversion and alternatives to incarceration.

Gîte du Nomade Project 1 – $137,847 The funds will be used to ensure that the organization can continue operating on a 24/7 basis. The funds will also pay the salaries of a coordinator and a facilitator, as well as cover travel and emergency costs.

Relais la Chaumine inc. Project 1 – $104,009 This project is designed to restore the building’s rear facade. The funds will be used to pay for renovations and repair work.

Regroupement pour l’aide aux itinérants et itinérantes de Québec (RAIIQ) Project 1 – $85,110 This project will enable the association to hire workers and rent equipment in order to organize “la nuit des sans-abri.”

Archipel d’entraide Project 1 – $77,709 The funds will be used to pay the salary of a coordinator, and to cover travel, communication and computer equipment costs.

L’Évasion St-Pie X Project 1 – $75,608 The funds will be used to hire a streetworker, purchase materials and equipment, and cover the overhead costs related to document production.

Total: $4,378,164