
News release

May 20, 2004


Five Jonquière organizations that help homeless people receive Government of Canada funding

JONQUIÈRE, QUEBEC —The Honourable André Harvey, Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Natural Resources with special emphasis on Development of Value-Added Industries and MP for Chicoutimi–Le Fjord, today announced, on behalf of the Honourable Claudette Bradshaw, Minister of Labour and Minister responsible for Homelessness, funding of $439,232 for five Jonquière organizations that provide various services for homeless people. This funding is being provided under the Supporting Communities Partnership Initiative (SCPI), one of the components of the National Homelessness Initiative (NHI).

“I am always pleased to announce funding for community projects in my region,” stated Mr. Harvey. “The projects that will be carried out here will enable these organizations to meet the needs of our most vulnerable fellow citizens even more effectively.”

The funding announced today will help five organizations to provide essential services to people in need. The attached backgrounder lists the approved projects. For certain projects, the Government of Quebec will provide funding in addition to Government of Canada funding.

In July 2003, the Government of Canada and the Government of Quebec signed an agreement of cooperation regarding the SCPI and the Regional Homelessness Fund. This agreement respects the jurisdictions, policies and priorities of both governments with regard to homelessness. A joint management committee oversees the coordination of this agreement and is supported in its work by an advisory committee composed of representatives from both levels of government and from community organizations.

“The funding provided is concrete evidence of the Government of Canada’s commitment to work with the community groups, the private sector, and the different levels of government to find effective local solutions to help alleviate homelessness,” said Minister Bradshaw.

The Government of Canada launched the NHI in December 1999 to support community efforts to alleviate homelessness. Between 1999 and 2006, $1.15 billion will have been spent as part of the federal government’s commitment to addressing homelessness in Canada. Funding for this Initiative is provided for in the March 2004 federal Budget.

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Since December 1999, communities across Canada have undertaken over 1,800 projects, funded wholly or in part by the NHI. These projects will result in:
  • The addition of approximately 8,000 permanent beds in shelters, and transitional and supportive housing.
  • The construction, renovation and improvement of over 1,000 facilities such as shelters, food banks, soup kitchens and drop-in centres.
  • The transfer of 50 properties, worth $9.2 million and approved under the NHI’s Surplus Federal Real Property for Homelessness Initiative, to establish 214 transitional affordable housing units.
  • In addition to Government of Canada investments, the partnerships have leveraged substantial resources, valued at more than a half billion dollars, for the implementation of homelessness projects in Canada.

For more information on the Government of Canada’s NHI, please visit our Web site at:


Jocelyne Tanguay
Government of Canada
(418) 699-5700, ext.1-5710

Denis D’Amour
Office of Minister Bradshaw
(506) 851-3419


Projects approved under the National Homelessness Initiative Government of Canada Funding

Supporting Communities Partnership Initiative (SCPI) )

Le Havre du Fjord – $180,000 Le Havre du Fjord is a community house for the rehabilitation of juvenile substance abusers, which helps youth between the ages of 12 and 17. The funding will be used to purchase a building, renovate it, and pay the related fees.
La Maison d’hébergement Le Séjour inc. – $133,445 La Maison d’hébergement Le Séjour inc. provides humanitarian assistance to people who have problems related to alcohol, drugs, medication, gambling, and episodic or situational homelessness. The funding will be used to hire a caseworker and pay certain general administrative costs.
L’Association des parents d’ados de Jonquière – $65,478 This organization helps parents whose children have substance abuse or behavioural problems. The funding will be used to hire a new caseworker, so that the services provided can be consolidated.
Le Patro de Jonquière – $47,809 Le Patro de Jonquière is a non-profit community support and recreation centre. It provides an environment that encourages personal growth and provides support, and is a place where clients can meet and take part in activities that are adapted to their needs. The funding will be used to hire a streetworker to support youth and adult clients in the Jonquière area who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless.
Maison de quartier de Jonquière – $12,500 This organization helps low- and middle-income earners by offering educational services and collecting used goods. The funding will be used to have work done on the building where the furniture outlet is located to solve a water leakage problem.
Total: $439,232