
News release

May 7, 2004


Government of Canada announces 5 projects to help alleviate homelessness in the Fredericton area

FREDERICTON, NEW BRUNSWICK - The Honourable Andy Scott, Minister of State for Infrastructure and Member of Parliament for Fredericton on behalf of the Honourable Claudette Bradshaw, Minister of Labour and Minister responsible for Homelessness today announced $362,728 for five projects aimed at alleviating homelessness in Fredericton. The funding is being provided through the Supporting Communities Partnership Initiative (SCPI), a component of the National Homelessness Initiative (NHI).

"The projects demonstrate the Government of Canada's commitment to building a social foundation that allows all members of our society, especially the most vulnerable, access to a better quality of life," said Mr. Scott. "There are a number of organizations in this region that have developed very innovative and effective ways of providing service to homeless people and those at risk of homelessness. We are pleased to collaborate with them."

The following are the five organizations that will receive funding: " New Brunswick Community Residences: Renovations - $13,053 " Canadian Mental Health Assoc. Fredericton and Oromocto Region Inc.: Community Planning Group Coordinator - $47,486 " UNB Faculty of Nursing: Community Health Clinic - $117,064 " YMCA of Fredericton: Street Outreach Worker - $65,125 " Youth in Transition: Chrysalis House - $120,000 For more information see the attached backgrounder.

The National Homelessness Initiative (NHI) works in partnership with community organizations, the private and voluntary sectors and other levels of government, to bring stakeholders together to develop local solutions that work to address particular needs and challenges faced by homeless people. Through this coordinated approach, the following programs are available to support communities across Canada: the Supporting Communities Partnership Initiative (SCPI); the Regional Homelessness Fund; the National Research Program; the Homeless Individuals and Families Information System; and the Urban Aboriginal Homelessness Fund.

"This funding furthers the Government of Canada's commitment to continue working together with community groups, the private sector and all levels of government to find local solutions to address homelessness," stated Minister Bradshaw.

The Government of Canada launched the NHI in December 1999 to support communities' efforts to help Canadians out of homelessness. Over $1 billion is being spent towards the federal government's commitment to addressing homelessness in Canada. Since 1999, 20 projects have received $1,428,835 in NHI funding in the Fredericton area.

Funding for this project was provided for in the 2004 federal Budget.

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Since December 1999, communities across Canada have undertaken over 1,800 projects, funded wholly or in part by the National Homelessness Initiative. These projects will result in:
  • The creation of approximately 8,000 new, permanent beds in shelters, transitional, and supportive houses;
  • The construction, renovation, and enhancement of roughly 1000 sheltering facilities and support facilities, such as food banks, soup kitchens and drop-in centres;
  • The transfer of 50 federal surplus properties worth over $9 million, which will result in the creation of 214 transitional and affordable housing units; and
  • In addition to the Government of Canada investment, partnerships have leveraged over a half billion dollars towards the implementation of homelessness projects in Canada.

For more information on the Government of Canada's National Homelessness Initiative, visit our Web site at

For more information, contact:

Jolee Lord
Government of Canada
(506) 452-2422

Denis D'Amour
Minister Bradshaw's office
(506) 851-3419


New Brunswick Community Residences New Brunswick Community Residences is a supportive housing facility for individuals with mental illness. The organization will use the $13,053 contribution from the Government of Canada to do some minor renovations and install a sprinkler system in one of its residences. Contact person: Ted Bovingdon, (506) 454-1206

The Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA) Fredericton/Oromocto Region Inc. CMHA Fredericton/Oromocto Region Inc. will continue to support a Community Planning Group Coordinator for homelessness in the Fredericton area. The Government of Canada's contribution of $47,486 will cover the part-time salary costs of the coordinator for a period of two years. The coordinator will work with all agencies in order to build the community's capacity to address homelessness. Contact person: Jean McBrine, (506) 458-1803

YMCA of Fredericton: Street Outreach Worker The YMCA of Fredericton's Street Outreach Worker provides assistance to those living on the streets as well as those in shelters. The outreach worker assesses the needs of individuals, determines an appropriate course of action and assists individuals in accessing the specific services they need such as shelter, food, employment, healthcare, mental health services, or detoxification. The $65,125 in federal funding will cover the salary cost of the outreach worker for two years. Contact person: Rick McDaniel, (506) 462-3084

UNB's Faculty of Nursing: Community Health Clinic The Community Health Clinic offers primary health services, including a Methadone Treatment Program, to homeless people, those living in shelters, and those individuals with concurrent issues such as addiction, mental illness and learning disabilities. The Community Health Clinic will use $117,064 in federal funds to contribute to the salaries of a full time social worker and a full time office manager over two years. Contact person: Margaret Dykeman, (506) 452-6383

Youth in Transition: Chrysalis House Youth in Transition is a non-profit organization incorporated in 1990 to address the needs of homeless and at-risk female youth between the ages of 16 and 19 years. In 1996, the organization opened Chrysalis House to provide a safe place for girls to experience a nurturing, family-like setting and implemented programs to further their education, prepare for work, and develop self-esteem and independent living skills. The $120,000 from the federal government will contribute to the salaries of the executive director and youth support workers. Contact person: Irene Brennan, (506) 451-4767