
News release

September 12, 2004


Government of Canada funds emergency shelter for homeless men with addictions

HALIFAX, NOVA SCOTIA—The Government of Canada is committed to working in partnership to help people who are homeless. Today, Mr. Michael Savage, Member of Parliament for Dartmouth-Cole Harbour, on behalf of the Honourable Joe Fontana, Minister of Labour and Housing, announced funding of $58,512 to enable the Metro Turning Point Shelter in Halifax to provide overnight shelter during winter months for homeless men with addictions. Funding is being provided through the Government of Canada’s National Homelessness Initiative (NHI). “This project will provide emergency winter support services, and offers an option to the homeless,” said Mr. Savage. “We will continue to work with our community partners to develop long-term solutions for homeless people with addictions. By giving a helping hand, we are building a stronger country and offering a future free of homelessness.”

The community has identified an emergency need for a facility where individuals who are intoxicated or under the influence of drugs can sleep in safety during the winter months. The contribution announced today will help the Metro Turning Point Shelter provide beds in response to this urgent need for winter shelter.

Since 1975, Metro Turning Point has provided overnight shelter, day support, and trustee services to the Halifax Regional Municipality’s homeless male population. The organization consists of 75 beds, which are used by men with alcohol, mental health and/or drug-related issues.

“We are pleased to be able to offer this additional support for those in need in our community,” said Michael Humphreys, Director of Metro Turning Point Shelter. “The emergency shelter opened its doors on Monday, November 29, 2004.”

By working in partnership with community organizations, the private and voluntary sectors and other levels of government, the NHI is bringing all stakeholders together to develop local solutions that work to address particular needs and challenges faced by homeless people. The Government of Canada launched the NHI in December 1999 to support communities’ efforts to help Canadians out of homelessness. Since the launch, the Government of Canada has invested over $14 million to alleviate homelessness in Nova Scotia. Funding is provided for in the last federal Budget.

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Since December 1999, communities across Canada have undertaken over 2,600 projects, funded wholly or in part by the National Homelessness Initiative. These projects will result in:

  • The creation of approximately 10,000 new, permanent beds in shelters, transitional, and supportive houses;
  • The construction or renovation of roughly 1100 shelters and support facilities, such as soup kitchens and drop-in centres;
  • The transfer of 50 federal surplus properties worth over $9 million, which will result in the creation of 214 transitional and affordable housing units; and
  • In addition to the Government of Canada investment, partnerships have leveraged almost one billion dollars towards the implementation of homelessness projects in Canada.

For more information on the Government of Canada’s NHI, visit our Web site at

For more information, contact:

Alicia Nolan
Human Resources and Skills Development Canada

Michael Humphreys
Metro Turning Point Shelter