
News release

April 30, 2004


Windsor-Essex County Community Plan Approved – Homeless people and those at-risk to benefit

Windsor, Ontario – Approval of the Windsor and Essex County’s Community Plan on Homelessness was announced today by the Honourable Susan Whelan, Member of Parliament for Essex, on behalf of the Honourable Claudette Bradshaw, Minister of Labour and Minister responsible for Homelessness. Funding of $1,043,639 will be provided to Windsor through the Government of Canada’s National Homelessness Initiative (NHI) to help the city’s homeless people. “I would like to recognize the community groups, non-profit organizations, the private sector and all levels of government for all the work that went into developing the Community Plan,” stated Ms. Whelan. “It is a formula for success. It is only through partnership and open discussions that a comprehensive Plan, addressing common concerns, can effectively alleviate homelessness in the Windsor area.”

“Leading the facilitation and development of both community plans is an example of how United Way is building community and making an impact by convening diverse groups that create local solutions for Windsor-Essex County,” said Sheila Wisdom, Executive Director of United Way/Centraide Windsor Essex County.

“The National Homelessness Initiative is an excellent opportunity for the community to continue its collaboration, build on existing strengths in the system and to develop projects in response to local homelessness issues,” added Chris Vickers, Chair of the Taking Action on Homelessness Together Coalition.

In consultation with the community and various stakeholders, a set of objectives and priorities has been identified in the Plan that include emergency shelter options for families; transitional housing; supports to prevent homelessness; awareness and research regarding homelessness issues; supports specific for youth such as emergency/transitional housing, support services, and supports specific for the Aboriginal community.

The Community Plan is the local vision of how best to help homeless individuals and families. The community identifies assets, gaps and priorities that meet local requirements to both prevent and reduce homelessness. Since the National Homelessness Initiative was launched, the Government of Canada has supported more than 625 projects, with total funding of over $125 million, to alleviate homelessness in Ontario. Funding was provided for in the March 2004 federal Budget.

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Since December 1999, communities across Canada have undertaken over 1,800 projects, funded wholly or in part by the NHI. These projects will result in:
  • The addition of approximately 8,000 permanent beds in shelters, and transitional and supportive housing.
  • The construction, renovation and improvement of over 1,000 facilities such as shelters, food banks, soup kitchens and drop-in centres.
  • The transfer of 50 properties, worth $9.2 million and approved under the NHI’s Surplus Federal Real Property for Homelessness Initiative, to establish 214 transitional affordable housing units.
  • In addition to Government of Canada investments, the partnerships have leveraged substantial resources, valued at more than a half billion dollars, for the implementation of homelessness projects in Canada.

For more information on the Government of Canada’s National Homelessness Initiative, visit our Web site at

For more information, contact:

Deborah Wallace
Government of Canada
(416) 954-7302

Sheila Wisdom
Executive Director, United Way
(519) 258-3033

Colleen Mitchell
Community Plan Facilitator
(519) 258-3033