News release

September 24, 2004



WINNIPEG, MANITOBA—Seven local organizations will receive over $2.6 million to provide affordable transitional housing for refugees and new immigrants to Winnipeg, as well as improve facilities and expand services for youth, individuals and families who are homeless or at risk of being homeless. The projects are being made possible with funding support from the Government of Canada, the Province of Manitoba and the City of Winnipeg through the Winnipeg Housing and Homelessness Initiative (WHHI).

Funding for the projects is being provided under the Government of Canada’s National Homelessness Initiative (NHI), the Canada-Manitoba Affordable Housing Initiative (AHI) and the WHHI. The funding will help the seven organizations provide essential services to people who need them. The attached backgrounder lists the approved projects. Today’s funding announcement was made at the site of Welcome Place’s Transitional Housing project, at 404 Qu’Appelle Avenue, in downtown Winnipeg. The Honourable Joe Fontana, Minister of Labour and Housing; the Honourable Christine Melnick, Manitoba Minister of Family Services and Housing; and Winnipeg Mayor Sam Katz, participated in today’s ceremonies.

“These projects demonstrate another coordinated effort between government and the community to address housing and homelessness issues in Winnipeg,” said Minister Fontana. “Through the National Homelessness Initiative and the Canada-Manitoba Affordable Housing Initiative, the Government of Canada is working alongside the community and private sector partners to provide our most vulnerable citizens with safe, affordable accommodations.”

“For many people, having access to affordable and adequate housing is a priority, but this is especially important to refugees and other newcomers to our province,” said Minister Melnick. “We are pleased to join with our community partners in supporting adults, youth and children in need, while assisting them to achieve greater self-sufficiency and independence.”

“This project is another great example of how government and the community can come together to make a significant difference in our City,” said Mayor Sam Katz. “Welcome Place will be a safe haven for refugees and new immigrants to Winnipeg, and is a very proactive step in addressing homelessness in Winnipeg.”

The funding, through the WHHI, is helping organizations to build new facilities or renovate existing buildings, provide more transitional housing, as well as expand programs and services for those at risk of being homeless.

The Government of Canada launched the NHI in December 1999 to support communities’ efforts to alleviate homelessness. Between 1999 and 2006, $1.15 billion will have been spent as part of the federal government’s commitment to addressing homelessness in Canada. In Manitoba alone, over 100 projects, representing an investment of $26.6 million, have been either developed or approved to proceed.

The AHI was signed in September 2002 and provides $50.8 million over the life of the agreement to help increase the supply of affordable rental units and new housing available in the province. Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation, on behalf of the Government of Canada, has contributed $25.4 million, which is matched by the Province of Manitoba. It is anticipated the AHI will create 2,500 units for low to moderate income Manitobans.

The funding for these projects is being coordinated through the WHHI, a partnership established by the Government of Canada, the Province of Manitoba and the City of Winnipeg to address homelessness, declining housing stock and the revitalization of Winnipeg's older neighbourhoods. Located at 361 Hargrave Street, the WHHI serves as a single-window office for community organizations to access information on government-funded housing and homelessness programs. Community groups wanting more information on programs can call the WHHI at (204) 940-3070.

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For more information, contact:

Brian Williamson
Winnipeg Housing and Homelessness Initiative (WHHI)
(204) 984-0592
cell: 771-6438

Peter Graham
Director of Communications
Minister Fontana’s Office
(819) 953-5646


Funding for the project below is provided under the Government of Canada’s National Homelessness Initiative (NHI) and the Canada-Manitoba Affordable Housing Initiative (AHI).

Kinkora Developments Ltd. Approximately $1.1 million, which includes $580,500 from the NHI, $328,244 under the AHI and $223,000 from the City of Winnipeg. In addition, Kinkora Developments provided over $143,000 of their own funds towards the project. The funding supports the purchase of the building at 404 Qu’Appelle Avenue. The building will be renovated to create 28 transitional housing spaces for men, women and children who are refugees and new immigrants to Winnipeg, and are at risk of homelessness. The funding also ensures rents are kept affordable for low-income residents. Approximately 60 individuals will be served annually. Kinkora Developments Ltd. will work closely with Welcome Place, a settlement service agency, to ensure supports are in place. Total project costs are estimated at $1,826,667.

Contact: Maureen Pendergast (204) 947-5389

Funding for the following projects is provided under the Government of Canada’s NHI:

Social Planning Council of Winnipeg A total of $341,108 which will provide administrative, mentoring, capacity building and resource support to assist the Project Fund Allocations Committee (PFAC) explore the possibility of becoming a formalized organization that would coordinate housing and homelessness initiatives in Winnipeg.

Contact: Wayne Helgason (204) 943-2561

Ndinawemaaganag Endaawaad Inc. Community Youth Resource Centre Funding totalling $340,000 will be used to purchase and renovate a property on Selkirk Avenue, as well as purchase furniture and equipment to establish a new Community Youth Resource Centre. This centre will offer a number of community programs such as life skills training, literacy, addictions support groups, recreation and sports, a pow wow club, tutoring support and other drop-in services.

Contact: Sonia Derbeker-Prevost (204) 586-2588

Behavioural Health Foundation A total of $274,378 will be used to renovate the main residence at 35 de la Digue, including replacing over 130 windows with more energy efficient units. The building houses approximately 130 homeless people each year who require addictions counselling and treatment.

Contact: Lorne Weir (204) 269-3430

Wahbung Abinoonjiiag Inc. Funding of $240,797 will be used to complete the new facility which will enable Wahbung to increase its capacity to support children and families who have experienced or are affected by domestic violence. This new facility also includes two emergency family units.

Contact: Belinda Vandenbroek (204) 925-4610

Macdonald Youth Services (MYS) A total of $200,177 will support MYS in the operation of its multi-service Youth Resource Centre 24/7 located at 161Mayfair Avenue. The Centre provides youth at risk of the negative effects of street life with access to showers, laundry facilities, food, clothing, first aid, safe, clean beds and counselling. Total project costs are estimated at $399,105

Contact: Paul Johnston (204) 949-3799

North End Housing Project (NEHP) Aboriginal Youth Housing Renovation Training Project Funding of $77,952 will cover part of the costs to operate a 52-week Aboriginal Youth Builder's type program. The NEHP will provide 10 youth, who are homeless or at-risk of becoming homeless and who are ex-offenders, with an opportunity to gain valuable work experience and skills in a high demand occupational field, thereby reducing the chances that these youth will be homeless in the future.

Contact: Mary Williams (204) 953-1895