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The Office of the Commissioner of Review Tribunals (CPP/OAS)
About Appeals
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Frequently Asked Questions

Presenting at the Hearing

Who are the Parties to an appeal?


The parties to an appeal are:

  • You, the person making the appeal.
  • The Minister of Social Development Canada, represented by a person from SDC.
  • A person who may be directly affected by your appeal, such as a spouse, former spouse, common-law partner or former common-law partner. This is called an "added party".
Who will be at the hearing?


The following people may attend the hearing:

  • You.  
  • Your Representative if you have one.  
  • Your witnesses if you have any.  
  • The three Review Tribunal Panel Members.  
  • Any Added Party and their representative and witnesses.  
  • A person from Social Development Canada.
Do I have to go to the hearing? Can the Review Tribunal make a decision if I'm not at the hearing?


No, you do not have to go to the hearing.

Yes, the Tribunal can make a decision without you. But it is in your best interest to be there in case the Tribunal members have questions or need more information. You will also have the chance to present the facts of your case in person for the first time and in the best way possible

Do I have to go to the hearing alone?


No, you do not have to go alone. You can bring someone with you, such as a family member or a Representative. Please let us know the name of your Representative well in advance. If you plan to ask a Representative to come to the hearing with you, we recommend that you do so well before the hearing date so that your Representative has plenty of time to prepare your case.

I'm not ready for my hearing tomorrow. Can we delay it?


No. We cannot change a hearing date once you have agreed to a date and the arrangements have been made. If you do not go to the hearing, the Tribunal may decide to go ahead without you. Call your Client Service Officer to discuss your situation.

How long will the hearing last?


The hearing will last as long as the Review Tribunal decides is necessary for everyone to be able to present their case and have their say. Everyone will be asked to deal only with the issue the Review Tribunal is considering. Although some are shorter, most hearings last about one hour. If the case is complicated, a hearing can last longer.

When and how do I get paid for my expenses for my hearing?


When we send you your Hearing File, we will also send you a Travel Expense Claim Form. After the hearing, complete the claim form and send it to our office. If you need help to complete the form, call your Client Service Officer. You should receive payment by mail about four weeks after we receive the claim form in our office.

Why does my Hearing File have to be shared with the "added party"?


The CPP legislation provides rules about what information must be provided by Social Development Canada to the OCRT, and by the OCRT to all the parties and to the members of the Review Tribunal who will hear and decide the appeal. The purpose of these rules is to ensure that every party has a full and fair opportunity to participate in the appeal.