Government InfoPEI Business Employment Visiting the Island




What is Compost?
Compost is a dark, odourless peat moss-like substance that can improve the texture and fertility of almost any soil. Compost is formed when the microorganisms in the soil break down kitchen, garden and yard waste into a form where the nutrients are made available again.

Why Should I Compost?
Prince Edward Islanders produce over two tonnes of garbage per household per year. Our environment can no longer bear the burden imposed on it by our throw-away society. It is time we accepted the responsibility for the waste we create. Composting is one of the most effective methods to reduce the mountain of waste. By composting your kitchen, garden and yard waste you can reduce the amount of garbage you produce by 30%. A combined effort of composting and recycling could reduce waste by 50%.

What do I do with the Compost?
Compost will make a wonderful addition to your garden or potting soil. Add this nutrient-rich mixture to your vegetable or flower garden, to your hanging baskets and window boxes and to your houseplants. Compost can also be worked into your garden after a growing season or sprinkled over your lawn to condition the soil.

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