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Watershed Management Fund

Where can I find information about the Watershed Management Fund?

The Watershed Management Fund is an initiative that provides support to community-based watershed organizations that are involved in the watershed management and planning process. The Watershed Management Fund (WMF) also supports the habitat enhancement projects that were formerly supported by the Wildlife Habitat Improvement Program. However, organizations that adopt a more holistic watershed approach will receive funding priority. The Watershed Management Fund provides direct financial assistance, as well as technical support.

Who Should Apply

Sponsors that are involved in watershed planning and management or protecting and enhancing habitat to the benefit of wildlife will be eligible for funding support under the program. Sponsors may include:

  • Community watershed organizations
  • Other non-government organizations
  • Municipalities
  • Individuals, in partnership with a watershed organization
  • Educational and research institutions
Eligible Projects

Projects eligible for assistance under the Watershed Management Fund include:

  • Watershed management and planning initiatives
    • Watershed organizational and capacity building initiatives
    • Watershed management plan preparation
  • Specific measures that address non-point source pollution
    • Erosion and sedimentation control
    • Agricultural run-off control
  • Wildlife habitat enhancement initiatives
    • Upland, wetland, riparian, and stream habitat enhancement
  • Projects that support biodiversity and an ecological approach
  • Projects that promote watershed or habitat education and awareness
  • Research
Search Previously Funded Projects

Priority Considerations

Priority consideration will be given to those applicants who propose to carry out activities in support of watershed planning and management. These priority activities might include adding to watershed group capacity, facilitation and strategic planning, and watershed management plan preparation.

Limitations on Funding Support

There is no limit on funding. However, funding requests must represent a reasonable and accurate estimate of funding required to carry out the proposed work. Equal distribution of funds to all areas of the province will be considered as well as labour market issues across the province. The ultimate distribution of support will be dependent upon assessment of all applications received and resources available.

Application Process

The application deadline for 2007 is January 31.

Applications may be typed or handwritten and must be submitted on the official application form. Only one application will be accepted per organization.

Applications must be completed in full and clearly identify the objectives of the proposal, detailing quantified actions and results. Applications must be specific in all respects.

Approved applications will be supported by a contract signed in duplicate with the sponsoring organization, with full funding and future consideration being dependent upon the fulfilment of the contract by the sponsoring organization.

Application forms are available by contacting the Department of Environment, Energy and Forestry staff listed below or from the Related Forms section of this page.

Watershed Management Fund Eligible Expenditures, December 04, 2006

Application Guidelines

The link below contains the application and guidelines for its completion. To make the process easier for watershed groups, this is a combined application to apply to the Department of Environment, Energy and Forestry's Watershed Management Fund and Greening Spaces Program, and the labour funds of the PEI Employment Development Agency.


Watershed Management Application and Guidelines

*Printable version of this form [606 KB PDF File]



Access PEI Montague

Thompson, Dale (Watershed Coordinator) Province of PEI


Access PEI O'Leary

Bernard, Ross (Watershed Coordinator) Province of PEI


Jones Building

Raymond, Bruce (Watershed Management Section Manager) Province of PEI

Cole, Shelley (Watershed Coordinator) Province of PEI


Potato Services

Hill, Shawn (Watershed Coordinator) Province of PEI

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