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Understanding the Early Years - Community Impacts on Child Development - August 1999

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Appendix C: Observations of Neigbourhood Characteristics

Researchers will be given a randomly selected address within each Enumeration Area in the city of North York (roughly equivalent to one or two face blocks) to observe. They are asked to explore this area and rate it according to the following characteristics. Exploring the area includes walking up and down the area within the specified boundaries with the observation area being the houses and the street in front.

Time of day: Began observation __________ AM or PM
Ended observation __________ AM or PM
Date: __________
Day: ___________
Neighbourhood or area: __________
Street address: FROM __________
TO __________
Enumeration area number: __________

1. Based on street level frontage, how would you characterize land use on this block or road?

  • Primarily residential
  • Primarily commercial
  • Mixed residential and commercial use
  • Primarily industrial
  • Primarily vacant houses
  • Primarily vacant lots or open space
  • Primarily services or institutional (e.g., schools, churches, hospitals)
  • Primarily park, playground
  • Other specify (e.g., rural or farm area) ____________________

2. How would you rate the general condition of most of the buildings in the block area?

  • Badly deteriorated (5 or more problems*)
  • Poor condition with peeling paint and need of repair (3-4 problems)
  • Fair condition (1-2 problems)
  • Well kept with good repair and exterior surface (0 problems)
  • Other specify _____________________________________________________

* Problems include things such as broken window, broken doorway, peeling paint.

3. Are there abandoned houses, stores, or other buildings in the area?

  • Yes
  • No

4. What percent of dwellings are in major need of repair (4 or more problems)?

  • More than half
  • Half
  • Less than half
  • None

5. What is the general condition of most streets and roads in the area?

  • Very good - recent resurfacing or smooth
  • Moderate - some evidence of repairs, but evidence that they are kept in good repair
  • Fair - minor repairs needed but not rough surface (except maybe one or two small potholes or cracks)
  • Poor - large potholes and other evidence of neglect

6. How would you rate the volume of traffic on the street or road (# cars per minute)?

  • No traffic permitted
  • Very light (1-3 cars)
  • Light (4-6 cars)
  • Moderate (7-9 cars)
  • Very heavy (10 or more cars)

7. Are people observed who are exhibiting anti-social behaviours (e.g., intoxicated, fighting, etc.)

  • No persons observed
  • No, none behaving in anti-social ways
  • Yes, one or two
  • Yes, a group of three or more

8. Looking at the overall appearance of the area, is there garbage, litter, or broken glass in the street or road, on the sidewalks, or in yards?

  • Almost none or none
  • Yes, but not a lot (1 or 2 pieces)
  • Yes, a little bit (3-12 pieces)
  • Yes quite a lot (13-30 pieces)
  • Yes, almost everywhere

Comments: __________________________________________________________________

9. Lighting conditions in neighbourhood:

  • Well lit - presence of many street lights and other light sources
  • Moderately lit - some lights, but there are areas where more or better lighting would be useful
  • Poorly lit - few to no lights, in great need of better lighting

Note: We are measuring the presence of lighting sources, therefore this can be done during the day.

10. Are children (aged 12 and under) and families with children seen in neighbourhood?

  • No children/families visible
  • Yes, one or two
  • Yes, several

11. How would you rate the amount of noise (e.g., from traffic, trains, planes, and industry) in the neighbourhood?

  • Excessive - causes a disturbance
  • Moderate - somewhat disturbing
  • Light - hardly noticeable

12. Number of stop lights observed: ________________________________________

13. Number of crosswalks observed: ________________________________________

14. Width of streets:

  • 1 lane
  • 2 lane
  • 3 lane
  • 4 lane
  • Other specify: ______________________________

15. Is there a park or playground in the area?

  • Yes (go to 15 a)
  • No (go to 16)

15a. How would you rate the quality of equipment and buildings in parks and playgrounds?

  • Excellent - new or well maintained, clean and safe area
  • Very good - evidence it's kept in good repair and condition
  • Fair - some repairs required
  • Poor - badly deteriorated showing signs of neglect, in need of many repairs

16. How safe do/would you feel when walking in the neighbourhood?

  • I would feel safe walking during the day and night
  • I would feel safe walking during the day but not at night
  • I feel uncomfortable, but generally safe
  • I do not feel safe at all

17. Is there a bus/subway stop (or other form of public transportation) in the area?

  • Yes
  • No

18. Are there signs announcing community meetings or events (e.g., cultural events - arts, festivals, concerts, athletic, political or popular entertainment - rock bands, or personal notices)? Note: signs posted on posts do count as long as they are announcing community events.

  • No signs visible, but there is a place where notices could be posted
  • No signs visible and no place for them to be posted
  • Yes, signs visible but on lamp/electric posts
  • Yes, signs visible on a place designed for notices

19. Additional comments and observations about neighbourhood (i.e., is homelessness observed; weather conditions influencing observations?): ___________________________________________________________________________________________

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