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Home / About PEI / Travel Essentials /

Identification and Health Insurance


American citizens or permanent residents of the United States do not need a passport to visit Canada, but should carry a birth, baptismal or voter's certificate, or other documents establishing their citizenship.

Naturalized U.S. citizens should carry evidence of citizenship, such as a naturalization certificate.

Visitors from all other countries must have valid national passports.

For more information on visiting Canada, you may wish to read Citizenship and Immigration Canada's online information on visiting Canada.

Health Insurance

Non-Canadian citizens should obtain or extend their health insurance coverage before coming to PEI on vacation. Canadian citizens will be covered under their own provincial health care plan.

If you are taking medicine prescribed by your doctor, it's a good idea to bring along a copy of your prescription (or request a refill from your doctor before you come) in case you need to have it renewed by a doctor in Canada.