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What's the weather like?

Spring is comfortable. Late May and early June are alive with colour and temperatures usually range from 8 to 22 degrees C (46 to 71 degrees F).

Summer is hot, but rarely humid. We wear short sleeves. Daytime temperatures are usually in the 20s (70s) and can go as high as 32 degrees C (90 degrees F).

Autumn is clear and bright. September afternoons can be quite warm, evenings cool. Temperatures range from 8 to 22 degrees C (46 to 71 degrees F).

Winter is crisp and clean. Temperatures usually range from -3 to -11 degrees C (26 to 11 degrees F).

For more information visit our weather page to find information about maximum and minimum temperatures and about average rainfall and snowfall.

Various Island Web Cams provides a "real time" look at our weather.