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18:18:02 EST    Wednesday, Jan 03, 2007     

New! Speeding...How Risky Is It?
Our latest press release and report (PDF: 1.3 MB) explains that speeding TRIPLES the odds of crashing!! Next time someone asks you how to spell speeding, tell them it's C-R-A-S-H.
DVD Volume II Cover

New Video Compilations
...The AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety is offering bundled titles of its most popular vidoes on DVD. Save the cost of purchasing individual titles and get four at once! Click here for more info.

Reducing Teen Crashes Report Cover

Reducing the Crash Risk for Young Drivers - Our latest research report discussing Graduated Driver Licensing (GDL) and driver education as it impacts novice driver safety.

All of the Foundation's videos are digitized and on line for free viewing.

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A website devoted specifically to senior citizens and driving safety

E-News, Issue 13 - Upcoming reports and current research projects underway highlight the latest E-News issue.

usRAP Logo

Traffic crashes in the United States result in an unacceptably high socioeconomic toll that has been growing due to a general under-investment in safety. As a result, the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety has initiated a pilot program to test the technical and political feasibility of instituting a U.S. Road Assessment Program (usRAP) in cooperation with Federal, state, and local highway angencies and other stakeholders.

Driver-ZED 3.0 Interactive Computer DVD

ZED Menu Composite

new! driver-ZED® 3.0 (“Zero Errors Driving”) is an interactive DVD that puts your teen in the virtual driver's seat. Developed by the non-profit AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety, your teen will navigate 100 live-action scenarios and learn how to identify, assess and react to a wide range of potential risks.

driver-ZED® 3.0 IS NOW SHIPPING and is available for only $24.95 by ordering online or calling 1-800-305-SAFE.

Visit the new driver-ZED website!
new! Safety Impacts of Pavement Edge Drop-offs

PEDO Report Cover PEDO brochure coverPavement edge drop-off (PEDO) related crashes are substantially more likely than other crashes on similar roadways to result in serious injuries, and are more than twice as likely to be fatal. Our latest research report gives the details.

Also developed as a result of this project is a colorful new brochure describing the proper actions to take when faced with a dangerous PEDO situation. This brochure is available as a PDF download (265 KB), or in hardcopy from our free products area.

The following articles originate from news sources external to the AAA Foundation. Posting of these items does not imply AAA Foundation endorsement of the content.

Evaluating Driver Education Programs

The AAA Foundation recently completed a driver education project with the goal of developing comprehensive guidelines on how to evaluate the effectiveness of novice driver training and education programs to ultimately improve them.

Evaluating Driver Education Programs Cover

A Management Overview of evaluating driver education programs, to serve as a primer for driving school owners and managers who may be considering initiating a formal evaluation program.

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