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The Kwanlin Dun First Nation Final Agreement

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Chapter 22 - Economic Development Measures

22.1.0 Objectives

The objectives of this chapter are as follows:
to provide Yukon Indian People with opportunities to participate in the Yukon economy;
to develop economic self-reliance for Yukon Indian People; and
to ensure that Yukon Indian People obtain economic benefits that flow directly from the Settlement Agreements.

22.2.0 General

Nothing in a Settlement Agreement shall be construed to prevent a Yukon First Nation or a Yukon Indian Person from accessing and making use of economic development programs of general application to a Yukon resident and a Canadian citizen.

Except as otherwise agreed in a Yukon First Nation Final Agreement, nothing in this chapter shall be construed to impose any financial obligation on Government.

Measures identified in this chapter shall take into consideration Government fiscal responsibility and economic objectives.

22.3.0 Yukon First Nation Final Agreements

As soon as practicable after the completion of the implementation plan for a Yukon First Nation Final Agreement, the parties to each Yukon First Nation Final Agreement shall develop a plan for Yukon Indian People to take advantage of economic development opportunities generated by that Settlement Agreement, which plan may be completed either before or after a Yukon First Nation Final Agreement.

Specific Provision
The plan referred to in 22.3.1 for the Kwanlin Dun First Nation shall be completed within three years of the Effective Date of this Agreement or such other time as the parties may agree.

The plans shall include recommendations to:
maximize opportunities for training and identify the experience that Yukon Indian People will require to take advantage of the economic opportunities generated by Settlement Agreements;
maximize the use of available financial and technical resources; and
identify the funding requirements and measures necessary to stimulate community level economic activity.

Each Yukon First Nation Final Agreement shall provide for specific economic measures which shall address:
access to employment and contract opportunities for Yukon Indian People generated as a direct consequence of the Settlement Agreements;
access to employment and contract opportunities for Yukon Indian People generated as a direct consequence of the land and resource management regime set out in the Umbrella Final Agreement;
participation by Yukon Indian People in harvesting activities; and
the interest of Yukon First Nations in strategic investments in areas such as transportation, culture, communication, agriculture, renewable resource services, energy resources, industry and tourism.

Specific Provision
Certain of the specific economic measures required by 22.3.3 are set out in Part I of Schedule A - Economic Measures, attached to this chapter.

Unless otherwise agreed in a Yukon First Nation Final Agreement, participation of Yukon Indian People in contracts identified pursuant to and shall be on a competitive basis.

Unless otherwise agreed in a Yukon First Nation Final Agreement, participation of Yukon Indian People in employment opportunities pursuant to and shall be based on appropriate qualifications or experience.

Each Yukon First Nation Final Agreement shall set out a process for allocation to that Yukon First Nation of licences, permits or grants for outfitting, commercial fishing other than salmon fishing, or other uses of natural resources.

Specific Provision
The process required by 22.3.6 is set out in Part II of Schedule A - Economic Measures, attached to this chapter.

The allocation of a licence, permit or grant provided under 22.3.6 shall be in accordance with the following conditions:
an existing licence, permit or grant shall continue in force for the present holder; and
renewals or assignments shall not be affected if the present holder is otherwise entitled to renew or assign.

22.4.0 Employment Opportunities

Where public service employment opportunities exist, Government shall assist in facilitating training and professional development of Yukon Indian People so that they will have access to such employment opportunities, with particular emphasis on increasing over a reasonable period of time the number of Yukon Indian People in technical, managerial and professional positions within the public service.

The Yukon and Yukon First Nations jointly shall explore ways to make apprenticeship programs more flexible, and to promote greater participation by Yukon Indian People in such programs, and shall examine other means of providing training for employment.

22.5.0 Contracting

The Yukon, at the time it publicly invites tenders, shall provide written notice to those Yukon First Nations who have indicated a wish to be advised of public tenders. Where bidders' lists or similar methods are used, the Yukon shall notify those Yukon First Nations who have indicated their interest in contracting and their ability to supply the tendered goods or services.

Any failure to provide notice pursuant to 22.5.1 shall not affect the public tender process or the contract awards resulting therefrom.

The Yukon shall provide information on a regular basis to Yukon First Nations on contracts awarded which were not advertised for public tender.

For contracts to be awarded in the Yukon, Canada undertakes to include on contract lists those qualified Yukon First Nations who have indicated an interest in contracting.

A Yukon First Nation may request information from a federal contracting authority on contracts awarded in the Yukon. Where such information is publicly available, the authority shall make all reasonable efforts to provide the requested information.

At the request of Yukon Indian People, Government shall provide information on how to access Government supply and services contracts and standing offers, and how to register on lists or inventories which Government uses for contracting.

Where practicable, provision of information in 22.5.6 shall be through seminars and workshops.

Government shall ensure that Yukon Indian People and Yukon First Nations' corporations are advised on how to access Government contracting, and that such individuals and businesses are given full opportunity to be registered on any lists or inventories Government uses for contracting purposes.

Any criteria for northern preference in contracting shall not exclude Yukon Indian People.

The Yukon shall, where reasonable, make best efforts to structure contracts, on both Settlement Land and Non-Settlement Land, so that they are of a size manageable by small businesses.

22.6.0 Public Corporations

Subject to 22.2.0, Government shall assist Yukon Indian People to make investments in public corporations.

The Yukon shall ensure that the Board of Directors of the Yukon Development Corporation is generally representative of the Yukon population.

The Yukon shall make best efforts to structure the Board of Directors of the Yukon Energy Corporation so that at least one-quarter of the directors are Yukon Indian People.

Yukon First Nation corporations may participate with the Yukon Development Corporation in economic opportunities, and such participation may include, but is not limited to, joint ventures, partnerships and equity participation in subsidiary corporations.

Yukon First Nations shall be offered an opportunity to participate in all ventures where the Yukon Development Corporation seeks public participation in the acquisition or disposal of a business venture.

Government and Yukon First Nations shall establish, to the extent practicable, procedures for joint capital planning.

22.7.0 Economic Planning

The Yukon shall make best efforts to structure the Yukon Council on the Economy and the Environment so that at least one-quarter of its members are Yukon Indian People.

The Yukon shall ensure that at least one-quarter of the delegates invited to attend the annual review of the Yukon Economic Strategy are Yukon Indian People or their representatives.

22.8.0 Financial Institutions

The parties to the Umbrella Final Agreement shall examine the viability of a Yukon First Nation controlled trust company within two years of the enactment of Settlement Legislation.

If the concept of a Yukon First Nation trust company appears viable, Government shall take such measures as may be necessary and as are reasonable to enable Yukon First Nations to establish such an institution.

22.9.0 Implementation

A full and complete review of the effectiveness of the provisions of this chapter shall be carried out in the year 2010 by Government and the Yukon First Nations. If, after the review, the parties to the Umbrella Final Agreement agree that the objectives of this chapter have been met, the obligations of Government under this chapter shall cease commencing January 1, 2011. So long as these obligations remain in effect, a like review shall be carried out every five years thereafter.

Specific Provision
For greater certainty, the obligations of Government under this chapter shall not cease as a result of a review under 22.9.1 until the Kwanlin Dun First Nation agrees that the objectives of this chapter have been met.


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  Last Updated: 2005-10-28 top of page Important Notices