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The Kwanlin Dun First Nation Final Agreement

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Schedule A - Permitted Activities for
Settlement Corporations

  1. For the purposes of this schedule a low income person is a person whose total family income is less than 75 percent of the average of all households in the Yukon as published in the last available Statistics Canada Census publication.

Program Funding and Administration

  1. Supplementing existing federally or territorially funded programs relating to child care, adoption, alcohol and drug abuse, hospital construction or upgrading, medical, dental and mental health care, justice and similar programs and initiating, funding and administering new programs in those areas.

Housing and Municipal and Local Taxes Assistance

  1. Funding or providing:

    1. low interest or no interest mortgages or other loans to low income people to enable them to acquire freehold or leasehold interests in residential properties in the Yukon;

    2. grants or forgivable loans to low income people to enable them to make down payments on conventional purchases of residential properties in the Yukon;

    3. funds for the construction, operation and administration of subsidized cooperative or communal housing for low income people in the Yukon;

    4. funds for the renovation or repair of residential properties owned or leased by low income people in the Yukon; and

    5. financial assistance to low income people to enable them to pay municipal or other local taxes on improved Settlement Land.

Municipal Services Upgrading

  1. Funding and administering municipal services and utilities upgrading programs for the benefit of Yukon Indian People.

Yukon First Nation Assistance

  1. Funding to Yukon First Nations for reasonable management and personnel costs.

Education and Training

  1. Funding and providing:
    1. courses for non-native and native teachers and other instructors to enable them to conduct courses in native culture, language and similar areas;

    2. training for Yukon Indian elders to enable them to participate in the delivery of native culture and language instructional programs;

    3. native studies, culture and language programs for "school age" and adult people;

    4. scholarships and reimbursement of other expenses for juvenile and adult Yukon Indian People to enable them to attend conventional educational institutions within and outside the Yukon;

    5. vocational training and similar programs and facilities for youth and adults within and outside the Yukon;

    6. native language and cultural education teaching and research programs; and

    7. training for justices of the peace and other persons employed in connection with the implementation of an Indian justice program.

Economic Development

  1. Providing loans at a rate of interest not to exceed the prescribed rate in effect at the time of the making of the loan for the purpose of computing employee benefits from low interest loans, under the federal Income Tax Act, S.C. 1970-71- 72, c. 63, loan guarantees or minority equity investment to Persons or entities, other than a corporation which is controlled, directly or indirectly, by one or more Settlement Corporations, engaged in the promotion of economic development opportunities for Yukon Indian People within the Yukon provided that:

    1. the Persons or entities are unable to borrow at normal commercial rates from ordinary commercial lenders or government financial programs without guarantees provided by the Settlement Corporation; and

    2. the Settlement Corporation may not acquire a controlling equity interest in an entity except by way of realization of its security in which case its controlling interest in the entity shall be disposed of within a reasonable period, not to exceed two years, of its acquisition.

Commercial Fishing

  1. Providing loans or equity to Persons or entities for the creation and operation of fish enhancement programs and a fishing enterprise for the benefit of Yukon Indian People provided that such loans meet the requirements set out in Article 7 of this Schedule.

Traditional Harvesting and Cultural Activities

  1. Providing loans or equity to Persons or entities for traditional harvesting and cultural activities including manufacture of handicrafts, arts and crafts, hunting, fishing and trapping and like pursuits provided that:

    1. the Person or entities are unable to borrow at normal commercial rates from ordinary commercial lenders without guarantees provided by the Settlement Corporation;

    2. the Settlement Corporation may not acquire a controlling equity interest in any entity except by way of realization of its security in which case its controlling interest in the entity shall be disposed of within one year of its acquisition; and

    3. the Settlement Corporation does not contract to receive a rate of return on any such loan greater than the normal commercial rate of return for similar investments.

Recreational Lands and Facilities

  1. Funding and administering parks and other recreational facilities such as skating rinks, arenas, libraries, assembly halls and similar municipal facilities that are not for commercial use.

Elders Assistance Program

  1. Providing funding to confer benefits on Yukon Indian People who are at least 65 years of age at the Effective Date of the Yukon First Nation Final Agreement or who turn 65 within the five years following the Effective Date of the Yukon First Nation Final Agreement, provided such benefits do not exceed $3000 per individual per year in 1988 dollars indexed in the same manner as Canada old age security.

Other Permitted Costs and Disbursements by a Settlement Corporation

  1. settlement costs;

  2. costs to implement the Settlement Agreements;

  3. payment of reasonable administrative costs not to exceed five percent of the assets of the Settlement Corporation annually for the first five years after the effective date of Settlement Legislation and three percent per year thereafter;

  4. transfers to other Settlement Corporations or to registered charities;

  5. transfers to a low income Yukon Indian Person; and

  6. within the first 15 years of a Yukon First Nation Final Agreement, capital distributions to Yukon Indian People not exceeding a total of $3,000 per person in 1988 dollars to be indexed by the Consumer Price Index.
  1. A Settlement Corporation may borrow money from time to time to carry out activities under this Schedule and may repay the borrowed money and interest thereon.


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