Manice - Chapter 5

5.6 Examples of the Use of the Egg Code

Egg showing 6/10 of new ice.
Example 1
6/10 of new ice with no form. Note that there is no partial concentration when only one ice type is represented in the egg.
Egg showing 4/10 of old ice.
Example 2
4/10 of old ice in medium floes. New ice is also present with a concentration of less than 1/10.

Example 3
6/10 total ice concentration. 2/10 thin first-year ice and 4/10 grey-white ice in medium floes. If more than one ice type is present, the partial concentration of each ice type must be indicated.
Egg showing 6/10 total ice concentration. 2/10 thin first-year ice and 4/10 grey-white ice in medium floes.
Egg showing 6/10 of new ice.
Example 4
6/10 of new ice with no form. Note that there is no partial concentration when only one ice type is represented in the egg.

Egg showing 4/10 of old ice.
Example 5
4/10 of old ice in medium floes. New ice is also present with a concentration of less than 1/10.
Example 6
6/10 total ice concentration. 2/10 thin first-year ice and 4/10 grey-white ice in medium floes. If more than one ice type is present, the partial concentration of each ice type must be indicated.
Egg showing 6/10 total ice concentration. 2/10 thin first-year ice and 4/10 grey-white ice in medium floes.

Egg showing 9+/10 total ice concentration..
Example 7
9+/10 total ice concentration. 3/10 old ice of giant floes and 7/10 old ice of medium floes.

5.6.1 Strips and Patches

Egg showing 9+/10 total ice concentration..
Example 8
3/10 total ice concentration. 2/10 old ice and 1/10 thick first-year ice. All ice is concentrated in strips and patches of 9+/10. Floe sizes are code 3 or less.
Example 9
3/10 total ice concentration in strips and patches of 9+/10. 6/10 old ice in vast floes and 4/10 thick first-year ice in big floes. These floe sizes are significant and warrant the use of two ovals.
Egg showing 3/10 total ice concentration in strips and patches of 9+/10.

Example 10
9+/10 total ice concentration comprised of 1/10 thick first-year ice, 1/10 medium first-year ice, 8/10 new ice and old ice with a concentration of less than 1/10. The old and thick first-year ice are distributed throughout the area in strips and patches made up of 3/10 old and 7/10 thick first-year ice. All ice types in the second oval must be included in the first oval.

Egg showing 9+/10 total ice concentration comprised of 1/10 thick first-year ice, 1/10 medium first-year ice, 8/10 new ice and old ice with a concentration of less than 1/10.

Egg showing 6/10 total ice concentration.
Example 11
6/10 total ice concentration. 4/10 brash and 2/10 new ice with no form.
Egg showing 9+/10 total ice concentration.
Example 12
9+/10 total ice concentration. 1/10 of ice of land origin with floe size of 9 (icebergs). 5/10 thin first-year ice in big floes and 4/10 grey-white ice in medium floes.

Example 13
A discretionary boundary could be placed between these two eggs since the concentration of thin first-year ice varies by at least 3 tenths.
Discretionary boundary between eggs

Example 14
A discretionary boundary could be placed between these two eggs since the partial concentrations of thick and medium first-year ice varies by at least 3 tenths. Discretionary boundary between eggs