Manice - Chapter 5

Ice Analysis Charts

  • Daily Ice Analysis Charts
    • Description
    • Method of Production
    • Dissemination of Charts
    • Symbols Used on Charts
  • Regional Ice Analysis Charts
    • Description
    • Method of Production
    • Dissemination of Charts
    • Symbols Used on Charts
  • Image Analysis Charts
    • Description
    • Method of Production
    • Dissemination of Charts
    • Symbols Used on Charts
  • Daily Iceberg Analysis Chart
    • Description
    • Method of Production
    • Dissemination of Charts
    • Symbols Used on Charts
  • Colour Coding Ice Charts
  • Examples of the Use of the Egg Code
  • Examples of Ice Charts
Canadian Ice Service

This chapter deals with basic procedures for preparing and transmitting various chart products from the Canadian Ice Service (CIS), operations division. These charts are of importance to a variety of users for many purposes such as strategic planning, climate studies and or tactical vessel management. These products use different variations of the egg code described in Chapter 3. In some cases, scale and map area restrict and limit the use of the complete code.