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Part 18 - General (Sections 270 - 291)

Part 18 - General (Sections 270 - 291)

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Part 18 addresses a variety of matters associated with the administration of the Act.

Matters, including delivery, notice, acceptance and waiver as regards notices and other documents required by the Act are addressed. (Sections 270-272)

Provisions within this Part address the use of certificates and other documents as evidence. (Section 273)

Procedures regarding statements of intent to dissolve, the criteria for signatures on certificates issued by the Director, and fees for examining and copying documents are included in this Part. (Sections 274, 275, 277, 278)

The Part establishes that a corporation must file an annual return with the Director. (Section 276)

The appointment, role and duties of the Director are established. These include establishing the form and content of documents and notices, the keeping of records, matters regarding certificates issued pursuant to the Act, the ability to cancel articles and the power to make inquiries. (Sections 279-290)

The Governor in Council is provided with the authority to make regulations respecting matters pertinent to the Act. (Section 291)

The majority of the provisions of this Part are technical and require little explanation. Of note is the requirement that corporations send annual returns to the Director (Section 276) thereby ensuring that appropriate, and up to date, information is available to the public. The sections stating the role, duties and authority of the Director (Sections 279-290) are also important, as they give the Director the ability to administer this Act. As many of the provisions in the Act are dependant on regulation to establish precise criteria or standards, and as they provide a more flexible means to establish the relevant criteria or standards, the power to make regulations is of significance.

Briefing Book
An Act Respecting Not-for-Profit Corporations and
Other Corporations Without Share Capital


Bill Clause No. 270
Section No. 270
Topic: General

Proposed Wording
270. (1) A notice or other document required by this Act, the regulations, the articles or the by-laws to be sent to a member or director of a corporation may be sent by prepaid mail addressed to, or may be delivered personally to,

(a) the member at the member's latest address as shown in the records of the corporation; and
(b) the director at the director's latest address as shown in the records of the corporation or in the last notice that was sent by the corporation in accordance with section 129 or 135 and received by the Director.

(2) A director whose name appears on the last notice that was sent by a corporation in accordance with section 129 or 135 and received by the Director is presumed for the purposes of this Act to be a director of the corporation.

(3) A notice or other document sent in accordance with subsection (1) to a member or director of a corporation is deemed to be received at the time it would be delivered in the ordinary course of mail unless there are reasonable grounds for believing that the member or director did not receive the notice or document at that time or at all.

(4) If on two consecutive occasions a notice or other document sent to a member in accordance with subsection (1) is returned because the member cannot be found, the corporation is not required to send any further notices or documents to the member until the member informs the corporation in writing of the member's new address.

This section deals with notices to directors and members. These provisions are of general application and therefore are superimposed on all the other provisions of the Act except where the same issue is specifically dealt with in a particular section.

Subsection 270(1) states that a notice to a member or a director may be either delivered to the member or director by ordinary prepaid mail or personally delivered. Using registered mail would amount to additional costs to the corporation which can not be justified for routine notifications. In the case of a member, the notice must be sent to the member's latest address as shown in the corporation's record. In the case of a director, the notice must be sent to either the director's latest address as shown in the corporation's records or in the latest notice of directors filed with the Director.

Subsection 270(2) stipulates that the person named in the latest filed notice of directors is presumed to be a director of the corporation for the purposes of the Act.

Subsection 270(3) deems delivered any notice or document sent to a member or a director, unless there are reasonable grounds for believing that the member or director did not receive the notice or document.

Subsection 270(4) provides that if a notice or document is returned to the corporation twice, the corporation can suspend sending further notices and documents to the member until the member informs the corporation in writing of his/her new address.

Present Law
Canada Corporations Act:

145. In the absence of any other provision in this Part or in the by-laws, notices to be served by the company upon its shareholders may be served either personally or by sending them through the post, by registered mail, addressed to the shareholders at their places of abode as they appear on the books of the company.

146. A notice or other document served by post by the company on a shareholder shall be deemed to be served at the time when the registered letter containing it would be delivered in the ordinary course of post.


Bill Clause No. 271
Section No. 271
Topic: General

Proposed Wording
271. A notice or other document required to be sent to or served on a corporation may be sent by registered mail to the registered office of the corporation shown in the last accepted notice under section 20 and, if so sent, is deemed to be received or served at the time it would be delivered in the ordinary course of mail unless there are reasonable grounds for believing that the corporation did not receive the notice or document at that time or at all.

This section deals with notices or documents sent to or served on the corporation and establishes the corporation's registered office as the place where notices or documents are to be sent. It permits a notice or document to be sent to or served on the corporation by registered mail at the corporation's registered office as shown in the last notice of registered office accepted by the Director. A corporation has not officially/legally moved until the Director has received notice. Moreover, the corporation is deemed to have received any notice or document sent to it, unless there are reasonable grounds for believing that the corporation did not receive the notice or document.

Present Law


Bill Clause No. 272
Section No. 272
Topic: General

Proposed Wording
272. Where a notice or other document is required by this Act or the regulations to be sent, the sending of the notice or document may be waived or the time for the notice or document may be waived or abridged at any time with the consent in writing of the person entitled to the notice or document.

This section clarifies that any person may waive or shorten notice provisions required by the Act or its regulations. For example, a meeting of members where an invalid or late notice has been sent out may nevertheless be a valid meeting if all the members agree to waive the requirement of notice. It is important to note that the waiver or abridgement may be made at any time but it must be in writing.

Present Law


Bill Clause No. 273
Section No. 273
Topic: General

Proposed Wording
273. (1) A certificate issued on behalf of a corporation stating any fact that is set out in the articles, the by-laws, a unanimous member agreement, the minutes of the meetings of the directors, a committee of directors or the members, or in a trust indenture or other contract to which the corporation is a party, may be signed by a director or an officer of the corporation.

(2) In the absence of evidence to the contrary, the following documents, when introduced as evidence in any civil, criminal or administrative action or proceeding, are proof of their contents:

(a) a certificate referred to in subsection (1);
(b) a document certified to be a true extract from the corporation's register of directors, officers, members and debt obligation holders; and
(c) a document certified to be a true copy of minutes, or of an extract from minutes, of a meeting of members or directors or a committee of directors of the corporation.

(3) A document that appears to be a certificate, certified extract or certified copy referred to in subsection (2) is presumed, in the absence of evidence to the contrary, to be authentic.

(4) An entry of a person's name in a register of members or debt obligation holders of a corporation, or an entry in a debt obligation certificate issued by a corporation, is, in the absence of evidence to the contrary, proof that the person holds the membership or debt obligation described in the register or in the certificate.

This section addresses the use of certificates, such as a certified copy, and other documents issued by a corporation as evidence.

Subsection 273(1) authorizes any director or officer to issue on behalf of the corporation a certificate that states any fact set out in certain corporate documents.

Subsection 273(2) states that a fact stated in such a certificate issued under subsection 273(1) is, in the absence of evidence to the contrary, proof of the fact when introduced into a criminal, civil or administrative action or proceeding. This evidentiary rule holds for a certified extract from the corporation's register of directors, members and debt obligation holders and other corporate records, as enumerated. Subsections 273(3) and (4) are self-explanatory.

Present Law
Canada Corporations Act:

138. (1) All books required by this Part to be kept by the company are, in any action, suit or proceeding against the company or against any shareholder, evidence of all facts purporting to be thereby stated.


140. A copy of any by-law of the company under its seal and purporting to be signed by any officer of the company shall, as against any shareholder of the company, be received in evidence as prima facie proof of such by-law in all courts in Canada.


Bill Clause No. 274
Section No. 274
Topic: General

Proposed Wording
274. (1) In this section, "statement" means a statement of intent to dissolve, or a statement of revocation of intent to dissolve, referred to in section 219.

(2) If this Act requires that articles or a statement relating to a corporation be sent to the Director,

(a) the articles or statement shall be signed by a director or an officer of the corporation or, in the case of articles of incorporation, by an incorporator; and
(b) on receiving the articles or statement in the form that the Director fixes, any other required documents and the required fees, the Director shall


(i) record the date of receipt,
(ii) issue the appropriate certificate,
(iii) send the certificate, or a copy, image or photographic, electronic or other reproduction of the certificate, to the corporation or its agent or mandatary, and
(iv) publish a notice of the issuance of the certificate in a publication generally available to the public.

(3) A certificate referred to in subsection (2) issued by the Director may be dated as of the day the Director receives the articles, statement or court order under which the certificate is issued or as of any later day specified by the court or person who signed the articles or statement.

(4) Despite subsection (3), a certificate of discontinuance may be dated as of the day on which the corporation amalgamates, or is continued, under another Act.

(5) The Director may refuse to issue the certificate if a notice that is required by section 20 or 129 or by subsection 135(1) indicates that the corporation, after the issuance of the certificate, would not be in compliance with this Act.

Many sections of the Act have formal filing procedures in connection with various aspects of a corporation's existence (e.g, incorporation, amendment, amalgamation, dissolution). This section consolidates the filing formalities to which the relevant sections refer.

Subsection 274(1) defines the term "statement" used in this section.

Subsection 274(2) specifies the procedure for filing articles, a statement of intent to dissolve and a statement of revocation of the intent to dissolve.

Subsections 274(3) and (4) are technical provisions that deal with the date on a certificate issued by the Director Appointed Under the Act.

Subsection 274(5) states that the Director may refuse to issue a certificate if the corporation is not in compliance with certain sections of the Act (section 20: location of its registered office in Canada; section 129: notice of director of the corporation sent to the Director; subsection 135(1): notice of a change in the corporation's directors sent to the Director).

Present Law


Bill Clause No. 275
Section No. 275
Topic: General

Proposed Wording
275. (1) A signature required on a certificate issued by the Director under this Act may be printed or otherwise mechanically reproduced on the certificate.

(2) A notice required by subsection 20(2) or (3), 129(1) or 135(1), and the annual return required by section 276, may be signed by any individual who has the relevant knowledge of the corporation and who is authorized to do so by the directors, or, in the case of the notice required by subsection 20(2) or 129(1), the incorporators.

(3) Any articles, notice, resolution, requisition, statement or other document required or permitted to be executed or signed by more than one individual for the purposes of this Act may be executed or signed in several documents of similar form, each of which is executed or signed by one or more of the individuals. The documents, when duly executed or signed by all individuals required or permitted, as the case may be, to do so, are deemed to constitute one document for the purposes of this Act.

This section deals with signatures on certain documents required under the Act and is aimed to reduce unnecessary administrative burdens on the Director Appointed Under the Act as well as corporations.

Subsection 275(1) should facilitate the issuance of notices and documents by the Director in electronic or facsimile form.

Subsection 275(2) permits individuals who have the relevant knowledge of the corporation and who are authorized to do so by the directors to sign the notice of registered office or of change of address of registered office, notice of directors or change of directors and the annual return. The extended authorization is limited to these sections as they are considered for information – the filing thereof does not affect the status of the corporation.

Subsection 275(3) expressly permits any notice, resolution, requisition, statement or other document, if there is a requirement for more than one person's signature, to be signed in counterpart.

Present Law


Bill Clause No. 276
Section No. 276
Topic: General

Proposed Wording
276. Every corporation shall send to the Director an annual return in the form and on the date that the Director fixes.

This section is self-explanatory. It is intended for the date to be within 60 days of the corporations anniversary of incorporation, continuance, etc.

Present Law
Canada Corporations Act:

133. (1) Every company shall, on or before the 1st day of June in every year, make a summary as of the 31st day of March preceding, specifying the following particulars:

(a) the corporate name of the company;
(b) the manner in which the company is incorporated and the date of incorporation;
(c) the complete postal address of the head office of the company;
(d) the date upon which and the place where the last annual meeting of the shareholders of the company was held;
(e) the names and complete postal addresses of the persons who at the date of the return are the directors of the company; and
(f) the name and complete postal address of the auditor of the company.

(2) The summary mentioned in subsection (1) shall be completed and filed in duplicate in the Department on or before the 1st day of June aforesaid, and each of the duplicates shall be signed and certified by a director or an officer of the company.



Bill Clause No. 277
Section No. 277
Topic: General

Proposed Wording
277. (1) A person who has paid the required fee is entitled during usual business hours to examine and make copies of or extracts from a document required by this Act or the regulations to be sent to the Director, except extracts obtained under subsection 24(1), a members or debt obligation holders list obtained under subsection 24(2) and a report sent to the Director under subsection 246(2).

(2) The Director shall, on request, furnish any person with a copy, extract, certified copy or certified extract of a document that may be examined under subsection (1).

This section permits any person, upon the payment of the required fee, to examine, and to make copies of, documents filed with the Director Appointed Under the Act. However, certain documents are expressly prohibited from being examined and copies made. These include: any documents or extracts from the register of members or debt obligation holders obtained by the Director under subsection 24(1); a list of debt obligation holders or members obtained by the Director under subsection 24(2); and any report from an inspector sent to the Director under subsection 246(2) . These exceptions ensure that information of a private nature is not made available to the general public.

Present Law


Bill Clause No. 278
Section No. 278
Topic: General

Proposed Wording
278. A fee in respect of the receipt or copying of any document shall be paid to the Director on the reception or copying, and a fee in respect of the acceptance, examination or issuance of any document or in respect of any action that the Director is required or authorized to take under this Act shall be paid to the Director before the acceptance, examination or issuance or the taking of the action.

This section makes the payment of the required fee a prerequisite for any required or authorized act by the Director Appointed Under the Act and ensures the effective enforcement of payment for services. In essence, no action by the Director is required or authorized unless the required fee has been paid.

Present Law


Bill Clause No. 279
Section No. 279
Topic: General

Proposed Wording
279. The Minister shall appoint a Director and may appoint one or more Deputy Directors to carry out the duties and exercise the powers of the Director under this Act.

This section is self-explanatory.

Present Law


Bill Clause No. 280
Section No. 280
Topic: General

Proposed Wording
280. The Director may establish the requirements for the content and fix the form, including electronic or other forms, of notices and other documents sent to or issued by the Director under this Act, including

(a) the notices and documents that may be transmitted in electronic or other form;
(b) the persons or classes of persons who may transmit the notices and documents;
(c) their signature in electronic or other form, or the actions that are to have the same effect for the purposes of this Act as their signature;
(d) the time and circumstances when electronic notices and documents are to be considered to be sent or received, and the place where they are considered to have been sent or received; and
(e) any matter necessary for the purposes of the application of this section.

This section permits the Director Appointed Under the Act to establish the requirements for the content and fix the form, including electronic or other forms, of notices and documents sent to or issued by the Director pursuant to this Act.

Present Law


Bill Clause No. 281
Section No. 281
Topic: General

Proposed Wording
281. (1) Documents received and accepted by the Director under this Act shall be kept by the Director in any form.

(2) If documents are kept by the Director otherwise than in written form,

(a) the Director shall furnish any copy required to be furnished under subsection 277(2) in intelligible form; and
(b) a report respecting those documents, if it is certified by the Director, is admissible in evidence to the same extent as the original documents would have been.

(3) The Director is not required to keep or produce any document, other than a certificate and attached articles or statement received under section 274, after the expiration of the prescribed period.

Subsection 281(1) permits the Director Appointed Under the Act to choose the format in which documents are stored and maintained. The Director has wide power to choose any format to store documents, including paper form or any system of electronic storage.

Subsection 281(2) states that if the Director does not maintain records in written/paper form, the Director may reproduce the information from the records. Moreover, if such reproduced information is certified by the Director, it is admissible as evidence to the same extent as the original written records would have been.

Subsection 281(3) imposes on the Director a duty to maintain most documents filed with his/her office for a prescribed period (proposed at 6 years). However, the Director must permanently store all of a corporation's articles and any statements, and certificates issued, regarding a corporation's intent to dissolve or its revocation of the intent to dissolve.

Present Law


Bill Clause No. 282
Section No. 282
Topic: General

Proposed Wording
282. (1) The Director may require that a document required by this Act or the regulations to be sent to the Director or a fact stated in such a document be verified in accordance with subsection (2).

(2) A document or fact required by the Director or by this Act to be verified may be verified by affidavit or by statutory declaration under the Canada Evidence Act before any commissioner for oaths or for taking affidavits.

This section provides that the Director Appointed Under the Act has the right to demand verification with respect to any document or any fact stated in a document. The verification is permitted either by a statutory declaration under the Canada Evidence Act or by an affidavit.

Present Law


Bill Clause No. 283
Section No. 283
Topic: General

Proposed Wording
283. The Director may relieve a person or class of persons, on any conditions that the Director considers appropriate, from sending to the Director any notice or other document or class of them required under this Act to be so sent if the Director is satisfied that

(a) information similar to what would be contained in the notice or other document or class of them is contained in a document or a class of documents that is required to be made public under any other Act of Parliament or any Act of the legislature of a province; and
(b) doing so would be in conformity with any prescribed requirements.

Section 283 allows the Director Appointed Under the Act to grant exemptions in prescribed circumstances with regard to filing requirements. The prescribed circumstances are that the dispensation would not prejudice any of the members or the public interest. This section is intended to provide flexibility to the Director to issue exemptions, in order to reduce unnecessary paper burden on corporations, where similar information is required to be made public by any federal or provincial statute.

Present Law


Bill Clause No. 284
Section No. 284
Topic: General

Proposed Wording
284. (1) The Director shall sign any certificate or certification of fact that the Director is, under this Act, required or authorized to issue.

(2) Except in a proceeding under section 221, a certificate issued by the Director under this Act or a copy of a document certified by the Director to be a true copy is conclusive proof in any civil, criminal or administrative action or proceeding of its contents.

(3) A certification of fact by the Director is, in the absence of evidence to the contrary, proof in any civil, criminal or administrative action or proceeding of its contents.

(4) A document that appears to be a certificate or certified copy referred to in subsection (2) or a certification of fact referred to in subsection (3) is presumed, in the absence of evidence to the contrary, to be authentic.

This section generally deals with evidentiary matters with respect to certificates issued by the Director Appointed Under the Act. This provision obliges the Director to sign any certificate the Director is authorized or required to issue. In addition, it stipulates that a certificate issued by the Director, or a certified copy, is, when introduced in any civil, criminal or administrative proceeding, authentic and conclusive proof of the facts so certified, in the absence of evidence to the contrary. The only exception to this rule of evidence is in a court proceeding to dissolve a corporation for certain contraventions of the Act under section 221.

Present Law
Canada Corporations Act:

141. In any action or other legal proceeding, the notice in the Canada Gazette of the issue of letters patent or supplementary letters patent under this Part is prima facie proof of all things therein contained, and on production of such letters patent or supplementary letters patent or of any exemplification or copy thereof certified by the Registrar General of Canada, the fact of such notice and publication shall be presumed.

142. Except in any proceeding by scire facias or otherwise for the purpose of rescinding or annulling letters patent or supplementary letters patent issued under this Part, such letters patent or supplementary letters patent, or any exemplification or copy thereof certified by the Registrar General of Canada, are conclusive proof of every matter and thing therein set forth.


Bill Clause No. 285
Section No. 285
Topic: General

Proposed Wording
285. The Director may alter a notice or other document, other than an affidavit or statutory declaration, if authorized by the person who sent the document or by that person's representative.

This section applies to errors that are noticed before the issuance of a certificate by the Director Appointed Under the Act. Its objective is to expedite incorporation and other fundamental changes to a corporation's structure. While it covers most documents sent to the Director, it applies in a narrow set of circumstances in that the Director has to obtain consent before changing a document.

Present Law


Bill Clause No. 286
Section No. 286
Topic: General

Proposed Wording
286. (1) If there is an error in the articles, a certificate or other document except one required by section 20 or 129, subsection 135(1) or section 276, the directors or members of the corporation shall, on the request of the Director, pass the resolutions and send to the Director the documents required to comply with this Act and take any other steps that the Director reasonably requires so that the Director can correct the document.

(2) Before proceeding under subsection (1), the Director shall be satisfied that the correction would not prejudice any of the members or creditors of the corporation.

(3) The Director may, at the request of the corporation or of any other interested person, correct any of the documents referred to in subsection (1) if

(a) the correction is approved by the directors of the corporation, or the error is obvious on the face of the document or was made by the Director; and
(b) the Director is satisfied that the correction would not prejudice any of the members or creditors of the corporation and that it reflects the original intention of the corporation or the incorporators.

(4) On the application of the Director, the corporation or any other interested person, a court may

(a) order the correction of any of the documents referred to in subsection (1);
(b) determine the rights of members or creditors of the corporation; and
(c) make any other order that the court thinks fit.

(5) An applicant under subsection (4) other than the Director shall give the Director notice of the application, and the Director is entitled to appear and to be heard in person or by counsel.

(6) The Director may demand the surrender of the original document and may issue a corrected certificate.

(7) A corrected document shall bear the date of the document it replaces unless

(a) the correction is made with respect to the date of the document, in which case the document shall bear the corrected date; or
(b) a court decides otherwise.

(8) If a corrected certificate materially amends the terms of the original certificate, the Director shall without delay publish notice of the correction in a publication generally available to the public.

Subsection 286(1) sets out the procedure to be followed if an error is contained in the articles, a certificate or another document, with the exception of a notice of registered office, a notice of change of director or director's address or the annual return. The Director can require the directors or the members of the corporation to pass a resolution and subsequently send to the Director the documents required to correct the document.

Subsection 286(2) is self-explanatory.

Subsection 286(3) permits the Director, at the request of the corporation or any other interested person, to correct any of the documents referred to in subsection 286(1) in certain circumstances.

Subsection 286(4) allows a court to order, upon application by the Director, the corporation or any other interested person, the correction of any documents referred to in subsection 286(1) and make any other order that it thinks fit.

Subsection 287(5) states that if the applicant for a court order pursuant to subsection 287(4) is not the Director, the Director can appear and be heard in person.

Subsection 286(6) is self-explanatory.

Subsection 286(7) states that the corrected document, unless the correction is made with respect to the date of the document or if a court decides otherwise, is to have the same date as the certificate it replaced so as to allow retroactive corrections.

Subsection 286(8) is self-explanatory.

Present Law
Canada Corporations Act:

11. (1) When the letters patent or supplementary letters patent contain any misnomer, misdescription, clerical error or other defect, the Minister may direct the letters patent or supplementary letters patent to be corrected.

(2) Notice of the correction of the letters patent or supplementary letters patent shall be forthwith given by the Minister in the Canada Gazette if the correction made causes them to depart materially from the text of the original notice given pursuant to section 10.


Bill Clause No. 287
Section No. 287
Topic: General

Proposed Wording
287. (1) In the prescribed circumstances, the Director may cancel the articles and any related certificate of a corporation.

(2) Before proceeding under subsection (1), the Director shall be satisfied that the cancellation would not prejudice any of the members or creditors of the corporation.

(3) In the prescribed circumstances, the Director may, at the request of a corporation or of any other interested person, cancel the articles and any related certificate of the corporation if

(a) the cancellation is approved by the directors of the corporation; and
(b) the Director is satisfied that the cancellation would not prejudice any of the members or creditors of the corporation and that the cancellation reflects the original intention of the corporation or the incorporators.

(4) On the application of the Director, the corporation or any other interested person, a court may

(a) order the cancellation of articles of a corporation and any related certificate;
(b) determine the rights of members or creditors of the corporation; and
(c) make any other order that the court thinks fit.

(5) An applicant under subsection (4) other than the Director shall give the Director notice of the application, and the Director is entitled to appear and to be heard in person or by counsel.

(6) The Director may demand the surrender of a cancelled certificate.

This section establishes the instances where the Director Appointed Under the Act may cancel the articles of a corporation and any related certificate, or apply to the court for a cancellation order.

Subsection 287(1) states that, in prescribed circumstances, the Director can cancel the articles of a corporation and any related certificate. The proposed prescribed circumstances include: there is an error in the articles or in the related certificate which is obvious or which was made by the Director, or the Director lacked the authority to issue the articles and related certificate.

Subsection 287(2) states that, before proceeding to the cancellation, the Director has to be satisfied that the cancellation would not be prejudicial to the members or creditors of the corporation.

Subsection 287(3) permits the Director, upon request by a corporation or any other interested person, to cancel the articles or any related certificate of the corporation.

Subsection 287(4) allows a court to order, upon application by the Director, the corporation or any other interested person, the cancellation of the articles or any related certificate and make any other order that it thinks fit.

Subsection 287(5) states that if the applicant for a court order pursuant to subsection 287(4) is not the Director, the Director can appear and be heard in person.

Subsection 287(6) is self-explanatory.

Present Law


Bill Clause No. 288
Section No. 288
Topic: General

Proposed Wording
288. (1) The Director may provide any person with a certificate stating that a corporation

(a) has sent to the Director a document required to be sent under this Act;
(b) has paid all required fees; or
(c) exists as of a certain date.

(2) For greater certainty, the Director may refuse to issue a certificate described in paragraph (1)(c) if the Director has knowledge that the corporation is in default of sending a document required to be sent under this Act or of paying a required fee.

This section deals with the issuance of a compliance certificate by the Director. A certificate of compliance acts as a verification from the Director that certain basic statutory filings, such as annual returns, have been made and therefore the corporation has not been, and is not about to be, dissolved for such a failure. If the corporation is in default of paying any required fee or filing any document required under this Act, the Director can refuse to issue the certificate.

Present Law


Bill Clause No. 289
Section No. 289
Topic: General

Proposed Wording
289. Information or notices that the Director is required by this Act to publish in a publication generally available to the public may be made available to the public or published by any system of electronic data processing or other information storage device that is capable of reproducing any required information or notice in intelligible form within a reasonable time.

This section is technical in nature and facilitates public access to information, through the use of electronic means, that the Director Appointed Under the Act is required to publish.

Present Law


Bill Clause No. 290
Section No. 290
Topic: General

Proposed Wording
290. The Director may make inquiries of any person relating to compliance with this Act.

This section is self-explanatory.

Present Law


Bill Clause No. 291
Section No. 291
Topic: General

Proposed Wording
291. (1) The Governor in Council may make regulations

(a) prescribing any matter required or authorized by this Act to be prescribed;
(b) requiring the payment of a fee in respect of the receipt, acceptance, examination, issuance or copying of any document, or in respect of any action that the Director is required or authorized to take under this Act, and prescribing the amount of the fee or the manner of determining the fee;
(c) respecting the payment of fees, including the time when and the manner in which the fees are to be paid, the additional fees that may be charged for the late payment of fees and the circumstances in which any fees previously paid may be refunded in whole or in part;
(d) prescribing, for the purposes of paragraph 163(6)(e), the minimum amount of support required in relation to the number of times that a substantially similar proposal was submitted to members within the prescribed period;
(e) respecting applications made under subsection 2(6), 25(1) or (2), 105(3), 162(5) or 171(2) or section 173 or 269 including prescribing the form and manner of, and time for, making the applications, the information and evidence to be submitted in connection with the applications, the procedure to be followed in the consideration of the applications, the factors to be taken into account in their consideration and, if applicable, any conditions that may or must form part of decisions on the applications;
(f) prescribing any matter necessary for the purposes of the application of Part 17, including the time and circumstances when an electronic document is to be considered to have been provided or received and the place where it is considered to have been provided or received;
(g) prescribing the manner of, and conditions for, participating in a meeting by means of a telephonic, electronic or other communication facility that permits all participants to communicate adequately with each other during the meeting; and
(h) prescribing, for the purposes of subsections 165(3) and (4), the manner of, and conditions for, voting at a meeting of members by means of a telephonic, electronic or other communication facility.

(2) The regulations may incorporate any material by reference regardless of its source and either as it exists on a particular date or as amended from time to time.

(3) Material does not become a regulation for the purposes of the Statutory Instruments Act because it is incorporated by reference.

This section confers broad regulatory powers to the Governor in Council with respect to the application of the Act. Among the areas covered by the regulations associated with this Act are: the information to be included in forms, such as the articles of incorporation; time periods for procedural requirements; the rules regarding electronic meetings and member proposals; and the payment of fees to the government for service. Subsections (2) and (3) allow broad use of incorporation by reference in the regulations.

Present Law
Canada Corporations Act:

151. (1) The Governor in Council may establish, alter and regulate the tariff of fees to be paid on application for any letters patent or supplementary letters patent under this Part, on filing any document, on any certificate issued under this Act, on making any return under this Act and on the making of any search of the files of the Department respecting a company.

(2) The amount of any fee may be varied according to the nature of the company, the amount of the capital stock of the company, or other particulars, as the Governor in Council deems fit.

152. The Governor in Council may, from time to time, prescribe forms and make, vary or repeal regulations for carrying out the purposes of this Part.

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Created: 2005-02-22
Updated: 2005-04-21
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