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Annex 9 - Directives on Call for Proposals - Process to select Sponsor


Annex 9A | Annex 9B | Annex 9C | Annex 9D | Annex 9E

ANNEX 9 – Templates for Letters of Notification and Public Posting of Results

Annex 9A - Acknowledgement of Receipt of Application and Proposal (to be sent to each applicant within 7 calendar days of receipt of their application)


Subject:  Call for Proposal Number________________

This is to advise you that Service Canada has received your application and proposal for the above mentioned Call for Proposals.  Please quote file number xxxxxxx in any future correspondence with us about your proposal.

Thank you for your interest in this project.


Yours truly,

Annex 9B – Letter to CFP Applicant Not Meeting Application Eligibility Requirements

(To be sent to those applicants whose proposal does not meet one or more of the Application Eligibility requirements in the assessment grid.   Must be sent within 7 calendar days of determination)



Subject:  Call for Proposal Number

File #:  ____________________

After a review of your application, Service Canada has determined that your proposal does not meet one or more of the following eligibility requirements:

(Write which of the application eligibility factor(s) that is not met.  Use the language of the assessment grid.)

As outlined in the Service Canada Call for Proposals (CFP) Application Package, proposals must meet the application eligibility requirements outlined in the assessment grid; if not, the proposal will be disqualified.

We regret that we are unable to consider your application further.  We do however invite you to pursue future opportunities through the Service Canada CFP process.

Results of this CFP will be posted on the Service Canada website once an agreement is signed with the highest ranked applicant at the following address (insert appropriate address for your region web page)

Decisions on the outcomes of the CFP process are final and applicants have no right of appeal.  However, the Service Canada delivery structure includes an independent Fairness Advisor, whose mandate is to ensure that current practices related to the administration of grants and contributions (Gs and Cs) are implemented in a fair, open, transparent way and that the Terms and Conditions and related rules have been followed.  You may contact the Office of the Fairness Advisor with any comments or suggestions (see attached).

If you have any questions about this process, please contact Name of Service CanadaContact person at tel #. 

Yours truly,



Attach.  -  Copy Annex 11 on appropriate letterhead and attach to letter

Annex 9C - Letter to Highest Ranked Applicant

(to be sent within 10 calendar days after highest ranked applicant is identified)


Subject:  Call for Proposal Number

File #:  ____________________

I am pleased to confirm that your proposal was ranked the highest for the above-noted CFP, and that Service Canada will be contacting you to negotiate a contribution agreement with your organization.  Should negotiations be unsuccessful, we may then enter into negotiations with another qualified applicant.

Service Canada will make every effort to complete negotiations and sign an agreement with you swiftly, respecting our service standards.   Our service standards are based on the expectation that organizations are capable of delivering services within the parameters submitted in their proposal.

Attached, is the completed assessment grid for your proposal.  If you have any questions about this CFP, or if you would like to obtain feedback on the assessment of your proposal, please contact (Name of Service CanadaContact Person at tel. #). 


Thank you for the interest in this project.


Yours truly,




Attach. -  Copy Annex 11 on appropriate letterhead and attach to letter


ANNEX 9D - Letter to All Applicants Not Ranked the Highest

(to be sent within 10 calendar days after highest ranked applicant is identified)


Subject:  Call for Proposal Number

File #:  ____________________

Service Canada has completed the assessment of proposals for the above-noted CFP.

Although your proposal was found to meet the requirements for this CFP, we regret to inform you that it was not ranked the highest.  Service Canada will be contacting the applicants that submitted the highest ranked proposals to commence negotiations for a contribution agreement.  If these negotiations are unsuccessful, we may then enter into negotiations with another qualified applicant. Based on local labour market needs, Service Canada may also approach applicants qualified under this CFP to negotiate additional contribution agreements over the next three years.

Results of this CFP will be posted on the Service Canada website once an agreement is signed with the highest ranked applicant at the following address (insert appropriate address for your region web page)

Decisions regarding the outcomes of the CFP process are final and applicants have no right of appeal.  However, the Service Canada delivery structure includes an independent Fairness Advisor, whose mandate is to ensure that current practices related to the administration of grants and contributions (Gs and Cs) are implemented in a fair, open, transparent way and that the Terms and Conditions and related rules have been followed.  You may contact the Office of the Fairness Advisor with any comments or suggestions (see attached).

Attached is the completed assessment grid for your proposal.  Service Canada officials would be pleased to provide feedback on your own proposal.  Should you have any questions about this CFP, or should you wish to take advantage of a feedback session, please contact (insert name of Service Canadacontact person with phone #), within the next two weeks, to schedule an appointment.

Thank you for the interest in this project.


Yours truly,




Attach.  (2)  - Copy Annex 11 on appropriate letterhead and attach to letter and include completed Assessment Grid



ANNEX 9E - Letter to Applicants Who Did Not Obtain Passing Mark

(to be sent within 10 calendar days after highest ranked applicant is identified)


Subject:  Call for Proposal Number

File #:  ____________________

Service Canada has completed the assessment of proposals for the above-noted CFP.

We regret to inform you that your proposal did not obtain the mandatory passing mark in (insert the appropriate category of the assessment grid) as demonstrated in the attached assessment grid.

Results of this CFP will be posted on the Service Canada website once an agreement  or agreement is/are signed with the highest ranked applicants at the following address (insert appropriate address for your region web page)

Decisions regarding the outcomes of the CFP process are final and applicants have no right of appeal.  However, the Service Canada delivery structure includes an independent Fairness Advisor, whose mandate is to ensure that current practices related to the administration of grants and contributions (Gs and Cs) are implemented in a fair, open, transparent way and that the Terms and Conditions and related rules have been followed.  You may contact the Office of the Fairness Advisor with any comments or suggestions (see attached).

Service Canada officials would be pleased to provide feedback on your own proposal.  Should have any questions about this CFP or if you wish to take advantage of a feedback session, please contact (insert name of Service CanadaContact with phone #), within the next two weeks, to schedule an appointment.

Thank you for the interest in this project.


Yours truly,




Attach.  (2)  -  Copy Annex 11 and attach to letter and include completed Assessment Grid