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Annual Preparation for the Call for Proposals - Process to select Sponsor

3 Annual Preparation for the CFP Process

3.1 Business Planning

3.1.1 National and Local Business Planning

In keeping with established departmental guidelines, planning for locally delivered activities or nationally delivered service offerings is to be conducted.

As part of the planning process, gaps in service, new service requirements, expected measures of success, and target groups are identified. Engaging community stakeholders and partners is vital to ensuring that local needs and priorities are identified and met, and that our community partners have an opportunity to provide input.

The input can be gathered in a variety of ways: labour market information; in-person meetings; surveys; information from sponsors’ monthly reports; monitoring visits; and other community sources. Labour market planning is also conducted jointly with Provinces/Territories each year in the context of the Labour Market Development Agreements; the exact form of that planning varies from province (territory) to province (territory), depending on the terms of the relevant LMDA and the implementation mechanisms put in place by Canada and that province/territory.

Once the service priorities for the year have been determined, appropriate service offerings and activities to meet these priorities are identified. Budgets are then allocated to meet the needs.

Annual plans for CFPs will flow out of the business planning process and may be subject to change as budgets are known, new labour market needs emerge, or as other labour market changes occur.

3.1.2 Annual CFP Plans

The planned CFPs must be posted on the Stakeholder Engagement and Call for Proposals for Employment Programs website annually by May 31 of each year, beginning in 2007. This will allow community stakeholders to be aware of Service Canada’s planned CFPs for the year.

CFP plans are to be developed by Service Canada staff and management. Regional plans will require approval as per the normal regional protocol prior to being posted on the site. For service offerings to be delivered at the national level, the appropriate Director General or Assistant Deputy Minister will have to approve.

Plans may need to be amended or changed as the year progresses in keeping with available budgets and changes to the labour market.

The time taken to articulate the labour market need and the client group to be served in developing the CFP plan will strengthen and simplify the assessment, agreement set-up, and monitoring phases of project delivery. Specific parameters at the outset of the process will make it easier to write a clear project description, and determine the objectives, activities, timelines, and milestones, as well as streamline assessment, and recommendation.

The CFP plan to be posted on the Stakeholder Engagement and Call for Proposals for Employment Programs website must clearly indicate:

3.1.3 Use of Solicitation of Interest

Using public notices to establish a list of interested sponsors as a pre-cursor to a CFP process is no longer permitted. The CFP process must be completed in its entirety as per the procedures outlined in this document.


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