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  • Parting Thoughts, by André Comtois, Head of Canadian Operations at Swift Denim
  • Workplace Literacy Awards Invest in Skills Development
  • Knowledge and Creativity: Results Benefit All by Wayne Hanley, President of Local 175, United Food and Commercial Workers, Canada
  • More THRC News…

  • Skills & Learning Portal
    Access over 80 titles of Textile Manufacturing Skills and Workplace Performance Skills to enhance performance. Start learning now by entering the THRC Skills & Learning Portal.

    Textile Training Through Technology®
    Now available: The latest, most comprehensive multimedia programs for the textile industry on CD-ROM or the internet.

        -  Textile Manufacturing Skills programs
        -  Workplace Performance Skills programs

    Demo Now!

    CareerTex.ca is a career awareness tool focusing on the exciting opportunities available in today's technology-driven textile industry.

    Skills Transition Program
    The THRC is in the process of developing the Skills Transition Program to assist displaced textile workers. Find out more about the Skills Transition Program and the Transition Resources offered.

    Textile Placement Network
    This program allows member firms to access and download résumés from qualified job candidates and those seeking work to submit their résumés online. Find out more about the Textile Placement Network.

    THRC programs are partially funded
    by the Government of Canada's
    Sector Council Program


    Register now
    for FuturTex 2006, "Investing in Ideas"!

    Annual General Meeting
    2005 Wrap-up

    Presentation notes and pictures
    now available

    To learn more, view a Flash presentation about the THRC

    High bandwidth recommended
    Download presentation

    © 2005 Textiles Human Resources Council
      All rights reserved.
      © 2005 Conseil des ressources humaines de l'industrie du textile
      Tous droits réservés.