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IISD Reporting Services

Earth Negotiations Bulletin and other international meeting coverage by IISD Reporting Services.

December 2006
  • Forests
    Dec. 11-16, 2006 | New York, USA Meeting of ad hoc expert group.

  • Sustainable Use
    Dec. 12-15, 2006 | Nairobi, Kenya Regional workshop on biological diversity.

  • East Asian Seas
    Dec. 12-16, 2006 | Haikou, China | Vienna, Austria Includes a two-day ministerial forum.

  • Desertification
    Dec. 17-19, 2006 | Algiers, Algeria On the agenda: knowledge management for action.

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Recent Commentary

Good Times on the Commodity Price Rollercoaster (PDF - 230 kb)

2006 is turning out to be a pretty good year for commodity producers.

Commodity prices are at their highest levels in decades, driven by strong demand from the emerging economies of China and India coupled with gravity-defying American consumption. In 2003, China overtook the U.S. as the world's largest copper consumer. By 2004, it was consuming 46 per cent more copper than the U.S. and accounting for 20 per cent of global demand. Copper and aluminium prices are now at or near 20-year highs. Rubber, rice and cocoa prices have risen steeply. Most visibly, oil is more expensive than at any time since the early 1970s.

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January 2007
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