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Transport Canada > Surface Transportation Policy > Highway and Border Policy > Transportation Planning and Modal Integration: Second Call for Proposals Guide for Applicants

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Schedule A

Suggested Format for Performance Indicators - Planning Table

Clearly identify your initiative's objectives and the activities and associated performance indicators that will help to determine whether your objectives have been met.

The following example illustrates these concepts - objectives, activities and indicators that would apply to infrastructure and technologies to improve connections between modes or modal integration.



Performance Indicators (for each goal)

1. Operational efficiency at transfer point 1.1 Construct staging area Reduced transfer time by X minutes; improved scheduling (on-time pick-up improved by X%).
1.2 Create scheduling system
2. Reduce congestion on city streets 2.1 Construct staging area X% reduction in emissions; reduced queuing on city streets (length and frequency)
3. Engage industry 3.1 Marketing activities to promote use of staging area and new scheduling system Number of stakeholders using scheduling system

Potential Risks

How risk will be managed

External Risks:

· Stakeholder buy-in.

· Construction delays.

· Preliminary discussions with stakeholders before undertakings.

· Provide on-time incentive to contractor.

Internal Risks:

· Human resources availability.

· Ensure file sharing between employees.

Schedule B

Required Financial Information

Each proposal must include the following financial elements:

· an estimate of the total and eligible costs for the initiative and an operating budget;

· a forecast of how funds will be spent (salaries, consultants, supplies/equipment, communications and other expenditures);

· a breakdown of both total and eligible costs on a quarterly basis by fiscal years;

· a list of collaborators providing financial or in-kind support;

· for the applicant, the amount of confirmed support and the proportions that are cash and in-kind; and

· for each collaborator, the amount of confirmed support and the proportions that are cash and in-kind.

A letter of intent, including contact information, from each collaborator who will be providing financial or in-kind support must accompany this financial information. These letters must include a statement of interest in the initiative as well as a description of the nature, and extent of the support, and, pay-in-kind contributions, their sources and valuations. As part of the assessment process, collaborators may be contacted to seek clarification, as required. Successful applicants will have three months to obtain confirmation letters from their collaborators once their projects are approved. No payments will be made to successful applicants before these letters are obtained.

In-kind contributions, where approved, may involve non-cash assets such as land, buildings, equipment, use of facilities, labour, and/or goods provided by the applicant and/or by the applicant's collaborators.

In-kind contributions should be measured at fair value or at cost - whichever is lower - at the date of contribution. Fair value is estimated using market or appraisal values. For contributed materials or services that are normally purchased, fair value would be determined in relation to similar materials and services.

No profit to the applicant or to any of the applicant's collaborators shall be taken into account or otherwise allowed when estimating or determining the fair value or cost of an in-kind component of the applicant's matching contribution.

A matching contribution may include an in-kind component only if (a) the applicant has demonstrated that either fair value or cost has been reasonably estimated or determined for that component; and (b) the nature, extent, source and valuation of that component has been approved by the review committee simultaneously with the approval of the initiative.

Appendix 1

Assessment Criteria

To be considered for funding, all proposals submitted under this call for proposals must:

· address an identified need or problem in the area of modal integration and/or transportation planning along trade corridors, and;

· be in alignment with one or more of Transport Canada's Strategic Directions in
five key sectors:

- setting frameworks for an efficient transportation marketplace,

- managing and investing in transportation infrastructure,

- reducing the adverse environmental impact of transportation,

- improving safety and security, and

- encouraging innovation and skills development.


Assessment criteria that will be used by the review committee are outlined below. Criteria are divided into two parts; the respective weight of each part is shown. Applications must achieve a 60% score in each part in order to be considered for funding.

Criteria Weight
Part I 65
Enhances integration and connections between modes. 35
Demonstrates an innovative approach to addressing the need or problem identified by: 20
· building on, rather than duplicating, existing approaches or initiatives; and  
· providing a novel and creative approach to promoting and realizing modal integration.  
Encourages enhanced cross-modal partnerships by seeking financial and non-financial contributions from public and/or private sector partners. 10
Part II 35
Increases accessibility and mobility options available for the movement of people or goods. 15
Promotes integration of sustainable transportation principles in transportation decisions. 10
Increases the safety and security of the transportation system for private, public and commercial users. 10

In addition to the above criteria, Transport Canada will also evaluate each proposal based on:

- Proposal Methodology, i.e. alignment with one or more of the objectives of the program; and measurable performance indicators that demonstrate if objectives have been met.

- Team Qualifications and Experience, i.e qualification/knowledge/previous experience of team members; prior success with similar size of project; and demonstrated project management skills.

- Project Management, i.e. project organization; task definition; project scheduling; and time management of personnel.

- Cost versus Benefit Comparison & Risk Analysis, i.e. the expected benefits are in line with the requested funding; the listed risks to the project are complete, realistic and include likelihood/impact details.

- Quality of Proposal, i.e. the proposal is clear and understandable; generates confidence in thoroughness and quality of the work to be done; and avoids logic and completeness gaps.

- Relevance of Proposal, i.e. the proposal is relevant to the current reality of the Canadian transportation system; clearly states how proposal's goals identify and address a need or problem; is not a duplication of similar work.

- Feasibility of Proposal, i.e. the proposal is feasible with stated resources, timelines and work to be done.


Part A - Applicant Information

1. Full legal name of your organization


2. Mailing address (include telephone number and, if applicable, fax number and e-mail address)


3. Mandate of your organization


4. Products and/or services offered by your organization


5. Year the organization was founded


6. Federal taxation number


7. Name, title and address of Project Leader


8. Name, title and address of Project Treasurer


Part B - Initiative Information

1. Description of initiative (40 words maximum) 
2. Duration of initiative
From: To:
3. Attach detailed information (30 pages maximum). Present the information in the format specified on page 6 of the Guide for Applicants and in accordance with the Assessment Criteria (see page 11 in the Guide for Applicants).

Part C -Budget

1. Total Funding (a detailed financial breakdown is also required)

a) total costs

b) total funding secured

c) total amount requested under this call for proposals

2. If you have applied for funding from other sources, indicate the amount to be contributed by these sources and whether the amount has been received or is anticipated. Attach letters of commitment.
Source: Cash: In-kind:  Confirmed: Y / N
Source: Cash: In-kind:  Confirmed: Y / N
Source: Cash: In-kind:  Confirmed: Y / N
Source: Cash: In-kind:  Confirmed: Y / N

Part D - Conflict of Interest

In compliance with the Conflict of Interest and Post-Employment Code for public office holders or the values and ethics code of the Public Service, please answer the questionnaire below, to ensure that former holders of public office do not receive a direct benefit from this proposal:

1. Do you employ, in your business or establishment, a former public office holder who left the federal government in the last 12 months?

2. Does your business have, as a shareholder, a former public office holder who left the federal government in the last 12 months?

3. If you answered yes to question #1 or #2, was this person at an Executive level or higher while in public office?

4. If you answered yes to question #3, you must ask that employee/shareholder to contact his/her former department to obtain written confirmation that he/she is in compliance with the post-employment provisions of the Conflict of Interest and Post-Employment Code. Such confirmation must be provided to Transport Canada's Highway Policy Branch prior to the signing of any contribution agreement by Transport Canada officials.

Part E - Intellectual Property

Any intellectual property resulting from the work will remain with the recipient.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, by submitting this proposal, the recipient agrees that information about findings that are not commercially sensitive will be summarized and published by Transport Canada, on the Transport Canada website and/or in hard-copy form, to serve as information for the transportation sector and as guidance for future activities in the transportation sector.

Recipients must agree that Transport Canada can use all information and material developed under the terms of the contribution agreement, during and following the term of the agreement.

Part F - Applicant Declaration

I (We), the undersigned, hereby certify that:

· all information provided in support of this request for funding is true and complete;

· if funding requested in this application is approved, the funds will be spent solely for the initiative and activities described in this application;

· I (we) agree to submit an evaluation after the initiative is completed and before the release of a 10% holdback; and

· I (we) provide consent for Transport Canada to make necessary credit and other inquiries in support of this request.

Signature: Signature:
Name (Print): Name (Print):
Position Title: Position Title:
Date:  Date:

Last updated: 2005-11-07 Top of Page Important Notices