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Eligibility for Health Benefits

Saskatchewan Residents

If you make your home in Saskatchewan and you ordinarily live in the province at least six months a year, you are eligible for Saskatchewan health benefits. Everyone must be registered with Health Registration at Saskatchewan Health to be eligible for benefits.

Health benefits for members of the Canadian Forces, RCMP and inmates of federal penitentiaries are covered under federal government programs. But their spouses and dependents are eligible for the provincial coverage and must register with Saskatchewan Health.

Saskatchewan Health issues a health services card to each family member once applications are approved. The card is mailed just prior to the effective date of coverage.

If your card is lost or damaged, please phone or write Saskatchewan Health immediately for a replacement. The branch should also be contacted if any of this information changes:

  • Address and telephone number
  • Incorrect spelling of name (s) or name change
  • Incorrect date of birth (proof of age needed)
  • Marriages, divorces and other marital status
  • Births or deaths
  • Other changes to family status
  • Child attending school out-of-province
  • Extended vacation or absence of three months or more

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If you are moving to Saskatchewan

If you are new to Saskatchewan and have come from another part of Canada, you must register for health coverage. As a general rule, coverage will begin on the first day of the third calendar month following the date you established residency here. (This excludes people who are eligible for benefits under other Saskatchewan or federal programs).

For example, if you established residency in Saskatchewan September 27th, Saskatchewan Health would begin to cover you on December 1st.

You will have no interruption in health coverage if you move within Canada, as your home province covers you until your Saskatchewan benefits take effect.

Married/Common-law couples

A. If you arrive in Saskatchewan and your spouse doesn't arrive with you, but joins you within 12 months of your arrival, Saskatchewan Health begins coverage for both of you starting the first day of the third calendar month following the arrival of your spouse in the province.

B. If your spouse does not join you within the 12-month period, coverage eligibility in Saskatchewan will differ.

For example, if you arrived in Saskatchewan January 1st, 1999 and your spouse joins you in June 2000, Saskatchewan Health begins your coverage January 1st 2000, and your spouse's coverage September 1st, 2000.

In both situations, your former province of residence will continue to cover you while you're in Saskatchewan pending the beginning of Saskatchewan coverage.

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Students (Residents of Other Provinces)

If you are a resident of another Canadian province attending school in Saskatchewan, your home province covers your health costs. You should continue to maintain coverage with your home province or territory.

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Special Classes of Newcomers

Saskatchewan Health covers health services for certain special classes of newcomers from outside Canada who move to Saskatchewan on or before the first day of the third calendar month after arriving in Canada. If you are among the groups identified below, you may be eligible for benefits from the date you move to Saskatchewan:

  • international students
  • landed immigrants
  • people discharged from the Canadian Forces and the RCMP
  • non-immigrants who are in Canada in connection with their trade or profession
  • returning spouse of a Canadian Forces member
  • returning Canadian citizens
  • returning residents

To register

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If You Move from Saskatchewan

If you leave Saskatchewan to set up residency elsewhere, your Saskatchewan health services card is valid for only the balance of the month you move plus the next two full months.

For example, if you leave Saskatchewan to move to another province September 27th, Saskatchewan Health ends your Saskatchewan coverage November 30th.

You should provide Saskatchewan Health Registration with your new address and the date you will be leaving the province. In addition, you should register for benefits in your new province of residence immediately upon arrival.

Married/Common-law couples:

A. If you leave Saskatchewan and your spouse does not leave with you, but joins you within 12 months of your departure, Saskatchewan Health covers both of you until the end of the second month following the month your spouse leaves the province.

For example, if you leave Saskatchewan to move to another province January 1st and your spouse joins you on June 10th, Saskatchewan Health continues to cover both of you until August 31st.

B. If your spouse does not join you within the 12-month period, the coverage periods for both of you will differ.

For example, if you leave Saskatchewan to move to another province January 1st, 2000 and your spouse joins you June 10th, 2001, Saskatchewan Health covers you for the period January 1st, 2000 to December 31st, 2000, and your spouse for the period January 1st, 2000 through August 31st, 2001.

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If you are Temporarily Away from Saskatchewan

Under certain circumstances, you may retain limited coverage while away for up to one year provided you intend to return here to live.

In all situations where you will be temporarily absent from the province for more than three months, you must advise Saskatchewan Health Registration of:

  • the date you intend to leave Saskatchewan
  • the reason for your absence
  • your intended return date

Following any extended absence from the province, you need to contact Saskatchewan Health to ensure that your card is still active and you are entitled to benefits.

If you obtain a work contract outside Canada for no longer than 24 months, you may be eligible for limited out-of-Canada benefits for the period of your work contract. To retain coverage Saskatchewan Health needs your departure date, the date you expect to return to Saskatchewan and a copy of your work contract.

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Students (Temporarily Away):

If you attend school full-time outside Saskatchewan and plan to return here to live on completion of your studies, you will qualify for limited out-of-province or out-of-country coverage. To verify your student status, Saskatchewan Health requires a statement of enrollment from your school each year.

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Contact the Medical Services Branch
Medical Services Branch
>  Branch Info
>  Medical Remuneration Unit
>  Policy and Alternative     Compensation Unit
Benefits Eligibility
>  Fully Covered Services
>  Partially Covered Services
>  Out-of-Province or
    Out-of-Canada Coverage
>  Services Not Covered by     Saskatchewan Health
>  How Saskatchewan Health     Pays Your Bill
>  Common Questions
Branch Publications
>  Payment Schedules, Reports,     etc.
>  Chiropractor's Association of     Saskatchewan Agreement
>  Optometrist's Association of     Saskatchewan
>  Saskatchewan Medical     Association Agreement


© Government of Saskatchewan 2003