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Automatic reinstatement of CPP disability benefits

May 2006

What is automatic reinstatement?

Automatic reinstatement is a financial safety net for Canada Pension Plan disability beneficiaries who try to return to work. If you are unable to continue working because of the same or a related disability, you can ask to have your benefits automatically restarted without having to go through the usual reapplication process.

Automatic reinstatement covers CPP disability beneficiaries who reported a return to work and began earning enough for their benefits to be stopped as of January 31, 2005, or later.

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How will automatic reinstatement help me?

If, within two years of the date your benefit stopped, you cannot continue working because your disability has recurred, you can ask to have your benefits reinstated. With automatic reinstatement, your benefit can be quickly restarted.

There may be times when you can work on a regular basis, followed by periods when you cannot work because of your disability. With automatic reinstatement, there is no limit to how many times you can request a reinstatement of benefits, provided you meet the requirements.

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When should I inform Service Canada that my disability has recurred and I can no longer continue working?

You have up to one year from the month you stop working because of your disability to inform us that you would like your benefits reinstated.

This example shows how automatic reinstatement works:
Marie contacts Service Canada to say she is returning to her job. Her benefits are stopped in March 2005. Unfortunately, her medical condition worsens, and in January 2006 she can no longer continue working. The following timelines apply to Marie's situation:
  • March 2005: Benefits are stopped because Marie reports her return to work
  • January 2006: Marie stops working because of a recurrence of her disability
  • January 2007: Deadline to request reinstatement of her benefits (one year)
  • March 2007: Latest date Marie is entitled to reinstatement of benefits (two years from date her benefits were stopped)

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How do I request a reinstatement of my CPP disability benefits?

  1. You must fill out a simple form confirming that you cannot continue working because your disability has recurred, and asking to have your benefits reinstated; and
  2. your doctor must fill out a separate form, confirming that your disability has recurred.

We send you these forms when your benefits are stopped. If you need another copy, please contact us. Both forms must be sent back to Service Canada once they have been completed and signed.

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Once I request a reinstatement of my CPP disability benefits, how long will it take to receive the first payment? Will my children's benefits also be reinstated?

You can expect your CPP disability benefits to begin again very soon once your request is accepted.

Your CPP disability benefits are reinstated starting the month after you become unable to work. If your children are still eligible, their benefits will also be reinstated.

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When my CPP disability benefits are reinstated, will the amount be the same?

The amount of your CPP disability benefit will generally not be less than what you were receiving before your benefits stopped. It will reflect all annual increases and any increases due to additional CPP contributions.

If your family situation has changed, your benefit may increase or decrease, depending on your circumstances.

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What if I stay at work longer than two years and my disability recurs?

If your disability recurs after you’ve been working and contributing to the CPP for more than two years, automatic reinstatement will not be available to you.

You may, however, be eligible for a fast-track reapplication — a simpler and faster process than filing a new application. Fast-track reapplication is available for up to five years after benefits have been stopped.

In addition to automatic reinstatement, there are a number of ways we already help beneficiaries who want to return to work. Some of these are:

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Contact us

For more information on automatic reinstatement, the CPP Disability program or other CPP benefits and services, please contact us at:

Telephone (toll-free) 1 800 277-9914
1 800 255-4786

Or visit a Service Canada Centre

Service Canada delivers Old Age Security and Canada Pension Plan programs and services on behalf of the Department of Human Resources and Social Development.

Internet or by email:

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