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Inter-American Conference of Ministers of Labour (IACML)

Since 1963, Labour ministers of the Americas have been meeting every several years at a specialized conference of the Organization of American States (OAS) to discuss labour issues common to all countries of the hemisphere. The Inter-American Conference of Ministers of Labour (IACML) is the only hemispheric forum where Labour ministers address labour and employment issues related to economic integration.

Since the launch of the Free Trade Area of the Americas/Summit of Heads of States in the mid-1990s, the IACML has been a way for ministers to follow-up on Summit discussions and particularly to address issues related to globalization, hemispheric integration and their labour dimensions.

Three advisory bodies support the IACML: the Permanent Technical Committee on Labour Matters (COTPAL), the Trade Union Technical Advisory Council (COSATE) and, the Business Technical Advisory Committee on Labour Matters (CEATAL). Other international institutions such as the International Labour Organization (ILO), the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), and the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) provide technical support to the work of the Conference.

Canada’s leadership of the 12th IACML (2001-2003)

In October 2001, Canada hosted the 12th IACML in Ottawa. As chair of the 12th Conference, Canada was responsible for implementing t he Ottawa Declaration and Plan of Action. The plan built on the labour and employment commitments of the Third Summit of the Americas (Quebec City, April 2001), which were to promote the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work; address the labour dimensions of the Summit of the Americas process; build the capacity of Labour ministries, particularly in smaller economies; and promote and protect the rights of all workers and those with special needs. Canada’s pledge of $1.2 million towards the implementation of the Ottawa Plan of Action underscored its commitment to collaborating with its partners to promote core labour standards and better working conditions, and improve the institutional capacity of labour ministries in the hemisphere.

Brazil: chair of the 13th IACML (2003-2005)

In September 2003, Brazil became chair of the IACML, continuing the momentum gained under the previous conference to examine economic integration in relation to employment and labour and capacity building of labour ministries.

The Salvador Declaration and Plan of Action are anchored in the social component of the Summit of the Americas process, touching on several priority areas, including poverty reduction and sustainable development as a condition for economic integration. The Declaration and Plan of Action recognize the ILO’s concept of Decent Work as an effective instrument to improve living conditions and social development; advocate a stronger role for labour ministers that takes into account the need to integrate social, labour and economic policies at regional, national and hemispheric levels; and support efforts to modernize and strengthen labour ministries through regional horizontal cooperation and technical assistance.

Mexico: chair of the 14th IACML (2005-2007)

In September 2005, Mexico will become the new chair the Inter-American Conference of Ministers of Labour.


Organization of American States www.oas.orgWorld Wide Web Site

International Labour Organization www.ilo.orgWorld Wide Web Site

Pan American Health Organization www.paho.orgWorld Wide Web Site

Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean www.eclac.orgWorld Wide Web Site

Inter-American Development Bank www.idb.orgWorld Wide Web Site
Last modified :  2006-07-06 top Important Notices