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Interdepartmental Advisory Group on Water Conservation at Federal Facilities (WCFF)


The Interdepartmental Advisory Group on Water Conservation at Federal Facilities (WCFF) was originally formed in 1990 to help deliver the water conservation requirements of the Green Plan and Code of Environmental Stewardship. The WCFF continues to promote water efficiency within the federal government and various initiatives have given the Advisory Group added impetus.

  • In 1994, the Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment endorsed a National Action Plan to Encourage Municipal Water Use Efficiency. Among other things, the Action Plan calls for governments to show leadership by reducing water use in their own facilities, as well as publicly funded facilities, and to adopt consistent policies regulations and codes concerning water efficiency.

  • In 1995, all federal Ministers signed the Guide to Green Government committing their departments to "green" their operations, policies and programs and be prepared for the Commissioner of Environment and Sustainable Development to audit their performance. The Guide outlines recommended best practices for "greening" operations in priority areas, including water use, and promotes environmental management systems (EMS) as a method of ensuring that environmental objectives are properly considered and implemented.

  • In 1999, the Sustainable Development in Government Operations (SDGO) initiative was launched. It was founded on the major, on-going commitments of A Guide to Green Government with the objectives of coordinating and reporting on the federal effort to green government operations; integrating sustainable development principles in all federal government operations; and sharing knowledge on sustainable development tools.

  • In 2003, the Assistant Deputy Minister Sustainable Federal House in Order (ADM-SFHIO) Committee was established to be the new direction-setting body for greening government operations and the governance body for both the Federal House in Order (FHIO), under the Climate Change Plan, and the Sustainable Development in Government Operations (SDGO) initiatives.

Through its activities, the WCFF helps the federal government meet its objectives and obligations under these initiatives.


Environment Canada currently chairs the WCFF which has 24 members representing 16 departments/agencies. The Advisory Group meets on an "as needed" basis. Membership is voluntary. Members have policy or operational backgrounds related to water efficiency.

The long-term goal of the WCFF is the promotion of water use efficiency within the federal government by members individually and collectively. The Advisory Group focuses on sharing knowledge and experiences, developing common tools, coordinating activities and providing advice.


A major activity of the Advisory Group was the development of the Water Conservation Plan for Federal Government Facilities and the accompanying Manual for Conducting Water Audits and Developing Water Efficiency Programs at Federal Facilities. The Plan and Manual were launched at Canada's first National Conference and Trade Show on Water Conservation in Winnipeg in 1993. Since then, WCFF members have promoted awareness of water efficiency through regional briefings, implementation of water efficient measures, training sessions, exhibits, publication of case studies and installation of washroom decals. The WCFF was instrumental in amending the plumbing fixtures section of the National Master Specifications to reflect water efficiency and including water in the Federal Buildings Initiative Program. The WCFF has provided advice to the Auditor Generals's office on performance measures for water efficiency and to Public Works and Government Services Canada on the water conservation chapter for the Environmentally Responsible Construction and Renovation Handbook.

The WCFF is currently helping the SDGO EMS Task Group develop and deliver the water efficiency part of their work plan. The WCFF has recently revitalized the washroom decal which advises people to save water and gives them a phone number to call to report leaks or other water problems in the washroom.

WCFF Chair

Gillian Huntley
Sustainable Water Management
Environmental Stewardship Branch
Environment Canada
Gatineau, Quebec  K1A 0H3
Tel.: 819-953-1521
Fax: 819-934-5101
E-mail: Gillian.Huntley@ec.gc.ca

Member Departments/Agencies

  • Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
  • Canada Border Services Agency
  • Correctional Services Canada
  • Environment Canada
  • Fisheries and Oceans
  • Foreign Affairs and International Trade
  • Health Canada
  • House of Commons
  • Indian and Northern Affairs Canada
  • National Defence
  • National Research Council Canada
  • Natural Resources Canada
  • Parks Canada
  • Public Works and Government Services Canada
  • Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP)
  • Transport Canada


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