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Transport Canada - Road Safety

Review of Bus Safety Issues
TP 13330 E

Abstract & Index
Bus Data
Bus Safety – General
Passenger Protection
School Bus Passenger Protection
Summary of Transport Canada Bus Safety Programs
Terms of Reference

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Transport Canada > Road Safety > Review of Bus Safety Issues - Abstract


Bus safety is an ongoing Transport Canada responsibility. The Department administers new vehicle construction standards under the Motor Vehicle Safety Act and contributes to motor carrier operational safety standards under the Motor Vehicle Transport Act and the National Safety Code for Motor Carriers. Provincial and foreign governments also have bus construction and operating safety regulations, providing a wide range of experience from inside and outside Canada.

Economic regulation is giving way to safety fitness as the criterion for bus operating authority. Proposed federal Motor Vehicle Transport Act amendments would complete the Canadian process towards safety fitness regulation by provincial and territorial governments.

The Motor Vehicle Safety Regulations (CMVSS) and the National Safety Code for Motor Carriers are two major national instruments of bus and other commercial vehicle safety regulation. The National Safety Code is administered by the federal/provincial/territorial Canadian Council of Motor Transport Administrators and enforced by provincial/territorial governments. Both instruments are dynamic and subject to constant review.

Transport Canada seeks to ensure that its standards and those of the National Safety Code are the best available and as good as necessary for Canada to achieve the Road Safety Vision 2001 goal to have the safest roads in the world.



To identify and describe ongoing bus safety issues and programs; to identify further related information requirements and possible action items; and to serve as a basis for consultation with stakeholders.



Directorate staff with bus safety experience held a series of group meetings. Initial discussions identified issues and subsequent meetings examined selected items. Comments and references were recorded and edited. Details were verified where possible and report sections were drafted and discussed.

The report is in four parts:  Bus safety data; Bus safety – general; Passenger protection in buses other than school buses; and School bus passenger protection. These are followed by conclusions and a summary of Transport Canada programs.


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