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Transport Canada > Road Safety > The Development and Implementation of a Quality Traffic Service Program

Prepared by:
Royal Canadian Mounted Police, Traffic Committee
Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police
Transport Canada, Road Safety and Motor Vehicle Regulation

TP 14278 E
July 2004
ISBN: 0-662-37728-1
Cat.: T46-36/2004E-PDF

How to get the full report


In 1998 the members of the CACP Traffic Committee accepted responsibility to undertake an indepth study of the state of traffic services in Canada. This was achieved through the development and implementation of a Traffic Service Pilot Project in the RCMP jurisdiction in Southern Alberta. The purpose of the project was to identify the major issues and problems relating to traffic law enforcement and to develop and implement a more effective traffic services program designed to reduce death and serious injuries on the Nation’s highways. 

This manual outlines the basic steps to follow in reviewing a traffic service program. It is based from beginning to end on sound problem solving and community based policing principles. Built on sound visions and mission statements and the experience gained in the training of over 500 front-line traffic members and their civilian partners, the manual guides the reader through the tasks of determining the reliability and validity of data systems; reviewing existing enforcement practices and accountability systems; undertaking focus group sessions with traffic managers and front-line members; developing and implementing traffic enforcement strategies aimed at reducing death and serious injuries; review of the functional job descriptions for traffic managers and front-line members; and, finally, provides a description of the course material used to train traffic members in the delivery of a quality traffic service program. 

The conclusions drawn from the Project is that after five years of research activity and program development, traffic law enforcement’s fixation on speeding related offences on our major four-lane highways and the continued lack of quality data were and are severely hampering efforts to address the key issues that are resulting in death and injuries on our roadways. It is a fixation that modern police service – and their communities – who consider themselves to be forward thinking and supporters of public safety oriented problem solving, can ill afford if the Nation hopes to reduce death and serious injuries on our roadways.

How to get the full report:

The full report on the The Development and Implementation of a Quality Traffic Service Program is available in a printable version (PDF - 986 KB) or (ZIP - 7.38 MB).  

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