Government InfoPEI Business Employment Visiting the Island



Map Stop Signage

How do I find out about map stop signage?

The Highway Signage Act provides for the placement of Map Stops across the Province. These Map Stops are strategically located and provide tourism related businesses with an opportunity to provide directions for the public to find the location of their business.

The Tourism Map Stop Sign
The objective behind the establishment of these Map Stops is to reduce signage clutter and provide a venue form which the travelling public can stop and find out what businesses are in the area and where these businesses are located.

The fees to participate in the MAP STOP PROGRAM are as follows:

  • The annual fee payable for the display at a map stop of information respecting a tourism business is.....$50.00
  • The fee payable for changing the information respecting a tourism business displayed at a map stop is.......$50.00
For More Information
Tourism PEI staff are experienced in dealing with signage inquiries and applications are handled quickly. Additional information can be obtained from one of our Compliance Officers; Dave Lawless, Charlottetown West (368-4883) or, Hubert MacIsaac, Charlottetown East (368-4398) Additional signage information can also be obtained from Paul Knox, Registrar of Signs.


Application for Permission to Erect a Sign at a Map Stop

Application for Permission to Erect a Sign at a Map Stop in Accordance with Section 9 of the P.E.I. "Highway Signage Act"

*Printable version of this form [103 KB PDF File]



Shaw Building

Knox, Paul (Tourism Development Officer) Province of PEI

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