Government InfoPEI Business Employment Visiting the Island



Insurance Adjuster License

How do I become a licensed insurance adjuster?

To apply to become a licensed insurance adjuster in Prince Edward Island, please contact the Consumer, Corporate & Insurance Division of the Office of the Attorney General.

Licensing Procedure

We issue two types of licenses, Probationary and Full. Licenses are for a two year term, except for the initial Probationary license which is issued for a one year term.

A non-resident applicant, licensed by their home jurisdiction, must provide a letter of good standing from that jurisdiction.

An applicant applying for a Full license, who does not hold a Full license in their home jurisdiction, must provide a transcript which demonstrates they meet the requirements for a Full license as outlined below.

A Probationary Licensee must be supervised by a Full licensee. The Full licensee must work out of the same location as the Probationary licensee. They must review and countersign all claims reports and settlement offers completed or submitted by the Probationary licensee. A Supervision Undertaking detailing this relationship must be signed by both the supervising Full adjuster and the Probationary adjuster.

A Probationary adjuster must complete C11 (or C81 and C82 as an equivalent) of the Insurance Institute of Canada syllabus during their initial year of being licensed. In order to obtain a Full license a Probationary licensee must have two years practical experience and complete eight courses from the syllabus within five years. There are five mandatory courses which are C11, C14, C32, C110, and C111. Completion of C81 and C82 in lieu of C11 constitutes one course for the purpose of obtaining the eight required.

Fees are $200 for a two year term and $100 for the one year term which is only available for the initial Probationary license. Fees are payable to the Provincial Treasurer PEI.


Application for Adjuster's License

*Printable version of this form [234 KB PDF File]



Shaw Building

Bradley, Robert (Superintendent of Insurance)

Furlotte, Sandra (Corporations Officer)

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