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Securities Legislation in Canada

Who administers securities legislation in Canada?

Securities regulation in Canada is conducted by the provinces and territories, each of which have passed a Securities Act. In eight provinces a securities commission has been created to administer the Securities Act, whereas in Prince Edward Island, New Brunswick and the three territories the legislation is administered by an administrator, called the Registrar of Securities.

These 13 securities regulatory authorities are known as the Canadian Securities Administrators (CSA), which collectively administer the Canadian Securities Regulatory System. This interprovincial system is integrated and one party cannot act independently without affecting the remaining members of the CSA.

The goal of securities legislataion is:

  1. to provide protection to investors from unfair, improper or fraudulent practices, and
  2. to foster fair and efficient capital markets and confidence in capital markets.



Shaw Building

Gallant, Mark (Registrar of Securities) Province of PEI

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