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Transport Canada > Civil Aviation > Quality and Resource Management > Quality Assurance > Complaints


Civil Aviation strives to ensure professionalism in all of its affairs and dealings impacting the aviation and general public communities. Nevertheless, complaints do occur, whether simply because of weak communication or because of inadequate understanding about Transport Canada, the aviation community, or the general public. There may, therefore, be occasions requiring the provision of clear complaint handling procedures.

In such cases, persons having a complaint or concern are entitled to:

  1. have their concern or complaint thoroughly reviewed;
  2. receive a timely response; and,
  3. be afforded a clear avenue of appeal.

Complaint resolution will both improve communication with the aviation community and the general public and assist Civil Aviation to identify areas for improving services and products.

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These guidelines are intended to assist members of the aviation community and the general public with the submission of concerns or complaints to be addressed by the national Civil Aviation Program.

These guidelines are intended to supplement, not replace, existing lines of communication. They do not apply to matters where a formal process already exists, such as through the Civil Aviation Tribunal and the Canadian Aviation Regulation Advisory Council (CARAC).

A complaint filed under the following procedures will be handled in accordance with Civil Aviation Directive No. 28: Complaint Handling Policy and Procedures.

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A complaint is a formal expression of dissatisfaction with Civil Aviation concerning a service, procedures, application of policy or staff.

While complaints should normally be made in writing, they will be accepted verbally provided that there is sufficient information (as outlined below) to initiate a review.

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  1. Complaints will be treated in a timely manner.
  2. Complaints should be addressed at an organizational level as close as possible to the point of service.
  3. A formal written response will be provided.
  4. An avenue of appeal will be afforded.

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Complaints should be addressed to the Superintendent, Regional Manager or Division Chief responsible for the service or product in question.

If you are uncertain about who to contact, please ask at any Civil Aviation Transport Canada Centre (TCC) listed below or call the Civil Aviation Communications Centre toll free at (800) 305-2059.

You should present your complaint with sufficient detail to provide the basis for a review. Supporting documentation is helpful and should be provided with the complaint if possible.

While complaints should normally be made in writing, they will be accepted verbally provided that there is sufficient information to initiate a review.

Whether provided in written form or verbally, the following information will assist us to undertake a timely inquiry into your concerns.

  1. the date of the occurrence;
  2. the scenario of the occurrence (audit, inspection, letter, the names of any witnesses or other parties involved, etc.)
  3. a description of your complaint, along with your suggestion on how the matter can be resolved or prevented from recurring;
  4. the name of Civil Aviation personnel involved;
  5. a copy of any supporting documentation which is available; and
  6. your name and a means to provide feedback or seek additional information.

Written correspondence should be marked "Confidential" or "To be opened only by addressee". Electronic mail should include "confidential" in the subject line.

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  • You will receive a prompt acknowledgement of your concern, and be informed when you can expect to receive a detailed response.
  • In the event that the response does not satisfy your concerns, you may request that the matter be referred to the next level of management.

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Questions or Comments?

Please direct any comments, questions or suggestions to:

Director, Quality Assurance
Civil Aviation
Tower C, Place de Ville
5th floor
330 Sparks Street
Ottawa, ON K1A 0N8
Phone (613) 993-8976
Facsimile (613) 993-7038

or to the Civil Aviation Communciations Centre at:

Phone 1-800-305-2059

Signature - Art LaFlamme

Art LaFlamme
Director General
Civil Aviation


Last updated: 2004-04-23 Top of Page Important Notices