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Limited Term Pilot Licence


General Aviation Policy Letter Number GA-96-01 and Policy Letter 572 (previously cancelled).


Policy Letter 572 was issued June 14, 1994 to introduce the Limited term Pilot Licence. Subsequently, General Aviation Policy Letter Number GA-96-01 was issued as an addition to Policy Letter 572 to provide sample documents.


This Policy Letter will combine the previous two Policy Letters to clarify the procedures for issue of the Limited Term Pilot Licence. This Policy Letter cancels Policy Letter GA 96-01.

Appendix A contains Instructions and Appendix B provides Sample Documents.

These instructions may be applied immediately.


This Policy Letter will expire with the appropriate amendment to the CARs and the Personnel Licensing Procedures Manual.




The Private Pilot Permit Tourist (PPPT) has been eliminated from our licensing inventory. This document did not serve all of the needs of our foreign clients since its use was restricted to Canadian airspace. Also, some foreign Civil Aviation Authorities would not recognize the document when the holder applied to have additional privileges, obtained in Canada, transferred to the foreign licence.

In response to the increasing number of foreign pilot licence holders coming to Canada each year to train for and receive additional licence privileges, it has been determined that there is need for a licensing document which:

  1. will permit foreign pilot licence holders to fly Canadian registered aircraft internationally for private recreational purposes;

  2. will enable the holder to act as pilot-in-command or co-pilot of any aircraft for the sole purpose of his or her own flight training or flight test in accordance with the provision of Part IV of the Canadian Aviation Regulations; and

  3. may be endorsed with additional ratings

Following extensive informal consultation with Transport Canada Regional Licensing personnel, the decision has been made to issue a Limited Term Pilot Licence and Medical Certificate (LTPL/MC) based on a valid foreign pilot licence and the medical document validating that licence. The word "Temporary " is deliberately being avoided as a name for this licence to preclude confusion with those other temporary licences which are frequently issued.


This policy is applicable to the following:

  1. Pilot Licence - Glider;

  2. Pilot Licence - Balloon;

  3. Private Pilot Licence - Aeroplane; and

  4. Private Pilot Licence - Helicopter.


The following principles shall govern this policy.

1.  The foreign licence must have been issued by a Contracting State of the International Civil Aviation Organization in accordance with Annex 1 of the Convention.

2.  As the name implies, the validity period of the LTPL/MC shall not exceed 90 days from the date of original issue.

3.  There will not be a requirement for the applicant to write the PSTAR exam.

4.  A LTPL/MC shall not be issued where, in the case of a pilot who is under 40 years of age, more than 24 months has lapsed since the date of last medical exam or, in the case of a pilot who is 40 years of age or older, more than 12 months has lapsed.

5.  A LTPL/MC may be issued where the remaining validity period of the foreign document is less than 90 days. The expiry date of the LTPL/MC shall correspond to the balance of the 12 or 24 month period remaining on the foreign document.

6.  A Canadian medical conducted by a CAME and assessed fit in the appropriate Category by a Transport Canada Medical Advisor, may validate a LTPL.

7.  A LTPL/MC may only be issued to an applicant once in any 12 month period. The 12 month period shall be calculated from the date of issue of the previous LTPL/MC.

8.  Personal (Tombstone) information shall be entered in DAPLS.

9.  The appropriate fee for the issue of a temporary personnel licence shall be assessed.

10.  A LTPL may be endorsed for additional privileges once all requirements have been met including receipt of an application for rating and the appropriate fee. Only the fee(s) applicable to the rating(s) applied for will be charged; there will be no fee for the re-issue of the LTPL. The valid to date of the re-issued document shall be the same as that of the original document.

11.  The LTPL/MC should be issued by form letter. Appendix B provides the suggested wording of the letter which should cover the majority of cases where the LTPL/MC is issued solely on the basis of the foreign licence and medical documents.


Both documents, the Limited Term Pilot Licence/Medical Certificate (LTPL/MC) and the Limited Term Pilot Licence (LTPL), contain suggested wording to be used in each paragraph.

Refer to the sample documents which follow in Appendix B.

In section (XII) of both documents where it states "This licence is valid for...", the LTPL/MC or LTPL should only be validated with the basic class and category in accordance with the Canadian standards. For example: SEL- All Single Pilot Non-High Performance, Single Engine Land Aeroplanes or SES- All Single Pilot Non-High Performance, Single Engine Sea.

All of the privileges that may be attached to the individual foreign pilot’s licence should not be listed on the LTPL. However, should the foreign applicant wish to have additional ratings that are endorsed on their foreign licence added to the LTPL/MC or LTPL, they must complete the appropriate flight crew application form and pay the appropriate fee. For example: If a foreign applicants licence is endorsed SMELS-All Single Pilot Non-High Performance, Single and Multi-Engine Land and Sea Aeroplanes, we would automatically validate their LTPL/MC or LTPL with SEL or SES. The multi-engine privileges would be included only if the applicant completed an application (for rating) and paid the appropriate fee. As well any other endorsements would require a separate application and fee.

If a foreign applicant wishes to have an Instrument Rating, currently endorsed on his foreign pilot licence, added to the LTPL/MC or LTPL, the person issuing the document must be satisfied that the candidate has at least met the minimum ICAO standard before accepting the application and fee.

In section (VIII) the wording reads, "This Licence/Medical Certificate has been issued for Private Pilot privileges on the basis of your foreign (TYPE) licence...".

In section (IX) the wording reflects the CAR’s reference. As well there seemed to be some confusion as to which licence the privileges were attached. The privileges refer to the Canadian document. (The privileges of a Private Pilot Licence may be found in CARs Part IV, Subpart 1, Division VI, 401.26).



Ottawa, Ontario

K1A 0N8




(IV) Date of birth:
Date de naissance :
(V) (VI) Citizen of:
Citoyenneté :
(VII) Signature of Holder: ______________________________ Signature du candidat :






(XII)  This licence is valid for. (XII)  La licence est délivrée pour.
(VIII)   This Licence/Medical Certificate has been issued for Private Pilot privileges on the basis of your foreign Pilot Licence No. issued by and the medical document validating that licence and is subject to the same limitations and restrictions as may be endorsed on those documents. (VIII)   Le présent document de licence et certificat médical vous autorisant à exercer les avantages de la licence de pilote privé a été délivré sur la base de votre licence de pilote étrangère no délivrée par et du document médical à l'appui, et est soumise aux mêmes restrictions annotées sur ces documents.
(IX)   The privileges of this Licence shall only be exercised when accompanied by the licence and medical documents upon which it was issued and is contingent on their continuing validity. (IX)  Le titulaire ne peut exercer les avantages de la licence que s'il a avec lui le document de licence et les documents médicaux qui ont servi à sa délivrance; les avantages de la licence sont subordonnés au maintien de la validité de ces documents.
(IX)  The privileges of a Pilot Licence may be found in Canadian Aviation Regulations, Part IV. (IX)  Les avantages rattachés à la licence de pilote figurent à l’article, partie IV du Règlement de l’aviation canadien.
(XIII)  You may not be issued another Limited Term Pilot Licence prior to. (XIII)  Aucune autre licence de pilote de durée limitée ne pourra vous être délivrée avant le.
This Licence is issued in compliance with ICAO Annex 1 and may be endorsed with additional ratings. La présente licence est délivrée conformément à l’annexe 1 de l’OACI et peut être annotée de qualifications supplémentaires.

(X)  Issued/Délivrée le: _____________________________________________

(XI)  Valid to/Valide jusqu'au : For Minister of Transport - Pour le ministre des Transports For Minister of Transport - Pour le ministre des Transports



Ottawa, Ontario

K1A 0N8

(III) No.



(IV) Date of birth:
Date de naissance :
(V) (VI) Citizen of:
Citoyenneté :
(VII) Signature of Holder: ______________________________ Signature du candidat :





(XII)  This licence is valid for. (XIILa licence est délivrée
(VIII)  This Licence has been issued for Private Pilot privileges on the basis of your foreign Pilot Licence No. issued by and is subject to the same limitations and restrictions as may be endorsed on that licence. (VIIILe présent document de licence vous autorisant les avantages de la licence de pilote privé a été délivré sur la base de votre licence de pilote étrangère no octroyée par et est soumise aux mêmes restrictions annotées sur ce document.
(IX)  The privileges of this Licence shall only be exercised when accompanied by the licence upon which it was issued and Medical Certificate No. and is contingent on their continuing validity. (IXLe titulaire ne peut exercer les avantages de la licence que s'il a avec lui ladite licence et le certificat médical no; les avantages de la licence sont subordonnés au maintien de la validité de ces documents.
(IXThe privileges of a Pilot Licence may be found in Canadian Aviation Regulations, Part IV. (IXLes avantages rattachés à la licence de pilote figurent à l’article, partie IV du Règlement de l’aviation canadien.
(XIIIYou may not be issued another Limited Term Pilot Licence prior to. (XIIIAucune autre licence de pilote de durée limitée ne pourra vous être délivrée avant le.
This Licence is issued in compliance with ICAO Annex 1, and may be endorsed with additional ratings. La présente licence est délivrée conformément à l’annexe 1 de l’OACI et peut être annotée de qualifications supplémentaires.

(X)  Issued/Délivrée le : ___________________________________________

(XI)  Valid to/Valide jusqu'au : For Minister of Transport - Pour le ministre des Transports


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General Aviation

Last updated: 2005-01-19 Top of Page Important Notices