Government InfoPEI Business Employment Visiting the Island



Web Advertising

Web advertising consists of logo ads in the online Visitors Guide. Advertisers and their graphic designers should consult our Specifications Guide before preparing ads.

Ad Specifications, 2006 Visitors Guide

THIS PAGE OUTLINES THE SPECIFICATIONS for banner advertising for the 2006 Prince Edward Island Visitors Guide. All specifications must be adhered to exactly; technical questions or concerns should be addressed to Teresa Richards.

Dimensions and Format

Full-size large ads must be 180 by 150 pixels in size. Ads can be animated GIF files, or static GIF or JPEG files. Large ads must incorporate a 1 pixel (or thicker) border within those dimensions.

Smaller ads are 120 by 90 pixels, and must incorporate a 1 pixel (or thicker) border within those dimensions. All ads must be exactly the dimensions specified.

File Size

All banner ads must have a file size of 15K or less. Creators of animated GIF files should take advantage of high-quality animated GIF creation software to achieve minimum file size. Ads larger than 15K will not be accepted, with no exceptions.

Design Considerations

All type and line art used in ads must be anti-aliased; an example is shown below to illustrate this requirement:

Animated GIF advertisements must be set to loop a maximum of 5 times.

All ads are subject to the approval of the Government of Prince Edward Island.

Information Required

For each advertisement, the following is required:
  1. The ad itself as a JPEG or GIF file.
  2. The email address of contact person; this person will be contacted regarding any technical or administrative matters related to the ad, and will be given access to traffic statistics.
  3. A destination URL; this is where users will be redirected when the click on the ad.
  4. An ALT text string; this is a simple string of text which is displayed while the ad is loading and should describe its contents or the advertiser.
All advertisements must be submitted to Rebecca McQuaid of Dunne Consulting.

Secure Server Required for Transactions

If the website linked to an advertisement accepts credit cards or other private customer information online, it must employ a secure server and other acceptable security measures to ensure the privacy and security of this information.

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